Most Important
Trays nearest the bottom are exposed to the hottest, driest air and food on them will dry more rapidly. So it is important to rotate the location of the trays during dehydration. Simply move trays as shown in the following diagrams. Also turn each tray a quarter turn sideways to help insures more even drying.
Example: Rotate trays about every 6 hours
Occasionally check to see if your food is dehydrated. Your Food De- hydrator is designed to rely on natural heat convection to carry away moisture from the food. The thickness of your cuts, the moisture content of the food and the relative humidity are all factors in drying.
Your Food Dehydrator is designed to rely on natural heat convection to carry away moisture from the food. The thickness of your cuts, the moisture content of the food and the relative humidity are all fac- tors in drying.