Panasonic SR'GO6FG/SR.G10FG/SR.GI8FG manual Warivi

Page 6

Measurericewiththe measuringcup


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1Then rinsethe ricethorouqhlV


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Putthe rinsedricein lhe pan and add wateraccordingto the scalesshownin the tablebelow.

Scale3 by

Graduationson the Pan

E x a m p e T o c o o k 6 c u p s o l r c e a d d w a l e r u p

l . l h e G r a d ! a l o n 6 '

L e v 6 n d c a r o r

Max,mui evel

Oo nol cook wih


L- o " r " " t .


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Noie : Capac ly I deil vares accord ng lo lhe s ze

IAdjustthe quantityof waterto your personallasle.

ISoakricein waterat leastfor 30 minutes .

Placethe pan intothe body. N/akesurethe pan is directlyin contactwiththe cast heaterbY turningit slightlyfrom rightto left untrlit settlesproPerly.

Closethe lidfirmly

IWipethe surfaceof the Pan beforeuse. lf it is wet,it may causenoisewhilecooking . Any foreignmatterbelween the pan and casthealermay damagethe unit .

rlf lid is not securelyclosed cookingwillbe affected.

IDo not openthe lidwhen in use .

Plugin andpressthe switch .





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The lightindicatingCOOK'

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willbe on .


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The cookingwillstart

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Whenthe riceis cooked,the switchwill moveup

to the keepwatm,and the ligjtindicating

. " will be on insead.This showsthat


thewarmingfunctionis working Afterthe switchmovesup, leavethe lid

for at least l5 minutesto fullysteamthe nce Scoopand mixthe ricewell.




IDo notplugin the unituntilYou are readyto cook.Otherwise, ricemay be ruined.

Ilf the panis notin the unit, cookingwillnot begin.

IOnly lvlodelSR-G06FG does not have

warmingfunction. "

TheIightindicatingCOOK will be off whenthe riceis cooked.

IThe warmingfunctioncontinues untilthe unitis unplugged .

Image 6 Contents
+ll€ll++l eBqq MOdeINo. SRGO6FG/SR.G1OFG/SR.GI8FGImportantsafeguards Do not use appliancefor otherthan intendeduseQi-,..iL Ir= Light Indicating Warm PowerCordLid Knob Light Indicating LidWarivi Anl \-=z-4 Rt---i Model Power CookingNet weightapprox SR.Gl8FGTfrhN+16,H6J+1,!lA€ IFH€ € F,ii $ +86+AFIF € IETFIJ*Ifr 1 . lflitpfrAilt13,rTu+F +lF +fiF,f fr,t Hfi e . ffi4frHli =-r\€-,1Eft-tuifr-t 4rrtr 4 t* itt Ifr4 P-+ftHl* i\ EkEL+ i! lr,iFr,/tB it H lhtt 4tt +fi F Frx Ed+SffifiSHEfi +t+Fik+&qIfitEt?+* i,F . t?+fr- R, Fr,+\hFfr I \ Ft . +&HhP #tfr+Rt,1tfr* trplt,rt.\3€ l+#tr,tithIt1\tt Hrllrkl . aE KfrHfrFtfrFi6Xfirt+\--i LF-FtE E n rn#.t+.Effi 4 iE-flftjE450W 650W JI Fihe tttf+fitlF?iH&ffiT rq*Ftlt&E120V 60 Hz Gc t 51Afl4l+e zlCql-lel*s.=- il-a9fl+Llrl + 1,4+rl ae 7le sld elJ4g=+5lol +l7l 717+Il l s \151lB? glq +ol Di,tl Sl ql Zl !fT8nlt =- tEiql ld 19 1l1l +6zlYrr\ Jq L+ 7lr.iLlrla TlElql €+b+d Gil € = = Rl+ 180mlEl ffi.49 Jr r r,,r N I ?THlTlHU Bt+ql+r f-l€ Ts.od EJg6lElEJ +ll a \,,,,--,\\\ . / \ +il,f ij\! +, illl $L.el 5?lr= ule . e zl3€jj1 4 1 L CJ d7l*€9 a*Jrlzl? El+g lglql 44 dadlq idrlg120V 60 Hz OriMisesengardeimportantes Ce oroduitest destin6d un usagedomestique+t \ \*=\-.o Couvercle Poign6edu couvercle VoyantVoyant Warm cHAUD Pr-ddllMesur€9cnfonctiondc18 Dubacdeculsgon\ - l \ Page 0 W Capaciti6 ModdleAlimentation 120V 60 Hz Cuisson 0 W $R-€18F6Medidasdeseguridadimportantes Esteproductose proponepara el uso dom6stico\-*.-.\ \ l\ \ Luzque TapaLuzque Lnterruptor Indica WarmEeriJ? Latanatirmemente Rttu\ . 1 \ Page 310W 450W 650W 3nergiaCalentamiento ModeloEnergiaConsumida PesonetoPage Npcpa rts@us.pan PanasonicCorporationof NorthAmerica