Panasonic SR'GO6FG/SR.G10FG/SR.GI8FG manual Qi-,..iL

Page 3

Beforeuse,removethe paperlocated betweenthe castheaterand the pan. Be sureto keepthe ricecookerout o{ the reachof childrenespecially whencookingrice.

Alwayskeepthe outsidebottomof the pan andthe castheatercleanand dry.

Any toreignmetterfoundshouldbe removed immediately.

Avoidexposingthe ricecooker to wateror placingthe ricecooker nearwatersupply.

The ricecookershouldnot be covered withclothor any objectwhilein use.





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The ricecookershouldnot be placedon unevensurface. Do nol use the pan directlyon an openflame.




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Image 3 Contents
MOdeINo. SRGO6FG/SR.G1OFG/SR.GI8FG +ll€ll++l eBqqDo not use appliancefor otherthan intendeduse ImportantsafeguardsQi-,..iL Ir= Lid PowerCordLid Knob Light Indicating Light Indicating WarmWarivi Anl \-=z-4 Rt---i SR.Gl8FG Power CookingNet weightapprox ModelIFH€ € F,ii $ +86+AFIF € IETFIJ*Ifr 1 . lflitpfrAilt13,r TfrhN+16,H6J+1,!lA€Ifr4 P-+ftHl* i\ EkEL =-r\€-,1Eft-tuifr-t 4rrtr 4 t* itt Tu+F +lF +fiF,f fr,t Hfi e . ffi4frHli+ i! lr,iFr,/tB it H lhtt 4tt +fi F Ed+ FrxSffifiSHEfi +t+Fik+&qIfitEt?+* i,F . t?+fr- R, Fr,+\hFfr I \ KfrHfrFtfrFi6Xfirt+ #tfr+Rt,1tfr* trplt,rt.\3€ l+#tr,tithIt1\tt Hrllrkl . aE Ft . +&HhPLF-FtE E n rn#.t+.Effi 4 iE-flftjE \--iGc t 51Afl JI Fihe tttf+fitlF?iH&ffiT rq*Ftlt&E120V 60 Hz 450W 650W+ol Di,tl Sl ql Zl !f + 1,4+rl ae 7le sld elJ4g=+5lol +l7l 717+Il l s \151lB? glq 4l+e zlCql-lel*s.=- il-a9fl+Llrl19 1l1l +6zl T8nlt =- tEiql ldYrr\ Jq L+ 7lr.iLlrla TlElql €+b+d Rl+ 180ml Gil € = =El ffi.49 Jr r r,,r N I ?THlTlHU +il,f ij\! +, illl $L.el 5?lr= ule . e zl3 \,,,,--,\\\ . / \ Bt+ql+r f-l€ Ts.od EJg6lElEJ +ll a€jj1 Ori CJ d7l*€9 a*Jrlzl? El+g lglql 44 dadlq idrlg120V 60 Hz 4 1 LCe oroduitest destin6d un usagedomestique Misesengardeimportantes\*= +t \\-.o Pr-ddll Poign6edu couvercle VoyantVoyant Warm cHAUD CouvercleDubacdeculsgon Mesur€9cnfonctiondc18\ - l \ Page $R-€18F6 ModdleAlimentation 120V 60 Hz Cuisson 0 W 0 W Capaciti6Esteproductose proponepara el uso dom6stico Medidasdeseguridadimportantes\ l \-*.-.\\ \ Warm TapaLuzque Lnterruptor Indica LuzqueLatanatirmemente Rttu EeriJ?\ . 1 \ Page Pesoneto ModeloEnergiaConsumida 310W 450W 650W 3nergiaCalentamientoPage Npcpa rts@us.pan PanasonicCorporationof NorthAmerica