Panasonic SR'GO6FG/SR.G10FG/SR.GI8FG manual Anl

Page 7

1Add waterintothe pan and placethe steamingbasket on thepan .Slightlyturnor adjustthe steamingbasketto the leftand righluntilit fitsonto the ribsat the edgeof the pan.




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Ilf cookingriceal the same DO NOTcook beyond followingcapacity.


! Water !

Placethe pan intothe body and add foods

(placein dish if required).

Closethe lidfirmly .

Plugin and pressthe switch. The lightindicating'COOK' willbe on. The steamingwill startimmediately.

Timethe steamingmanually. The unitwill automaticallyswitchto

"WARM" whenwaterin the pan has completelyevaporated.


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1 . 0L3

1 . 8L

Wipethe surfaceof the pan beforeuse. lf it is wet,it may causenoisewhilesteaming. Any foreignmatterbetween the pan and castheatermay damagethe unil.

lf the lid is not securelyclosed, steamingwillbe affected.

Do not openthe lidwhen in use

Do nol plugin untilyou are readyto steam.

lf the pan is not in the unit, steamingwill not begin.

Whenthe food is cooked,

the steamingcan be canceled by unpluggingthe unit.

Unplug .


Removefoods,thenthe steamingbasketand finally pourout remainingwater.


The warmingtunctioncontinues untilthe unitis unplugged.

Be carefulof the hotwater in the pan .

Image 7 Contents
MOdeINo. SRGO6FG/SR.G1OFG/SR.GI8FG +ll€ll++l eBqqDo not use appliancefor otherthan intendeduse ImportantsafeguardsQi-,..iL Ir= Lid PowerCordLid Knob Light Indicating Light Indicating WarmWarivi Anl \-=z-4 Rt---i SR.Gl8FG Power CookingNet weightapprox ModelIFH€ € F,ii $ +86+AFIF € IETFIJ*Ifr 1 . lflitpfrAilt13,r TfrhN+16,H6J+1,!lA€Ifr4 P-+ftHl* i\ EkEL =-r\€-,1Eft-tuifr-t 4rrtr 4 t* itt Tu+F +lF +fiF,f fr,t Hfi e . ffi4frHli+ i! lr,iFr,/tB it H lhtt 4tt +fi F Ed+ Frx+t+Fik+&q SffifiSHEfiIfitEt?+* i,F . t?+fr- R, Fr,+\hFfr I \ KfrHfrFtfrFi6Xfirt+ #tfr+Rt,1tfr* trplt,rt.\3€ l+#tr,tithIt1\tt Hrllrkl . aE Ft . +&HhPLF-FtE E n rn#.t+.Effi 4 iE-flftjE \--iGc t 51Afl JI Fihe tttf+fitlF?iH&ffiT rq*Ftlt&E120V 60 Hz 450W 650W+ol Di,tl Sl ql Zl !f + 1,4+rl ae 7le sld elJ4g=+5lol +l7l 717+Il l s \151lB? glq 4l+e zlCql-lel*s.=- il-a9fl+Llrl19 1l1l +6zl T8nlt =- tEiql ldJq L+ 7lr.i Yrr\Llrla TlElql €+b+d Rl+ 180ml Gil € = =Jr r r,,r N I ? El ffi.49THlTlHU +il,f ij\! +, illl $L.el 5?lr= ule . e zl3 \,,,,--,\\\ . / \ Bt+ql+r f-l€ Ts.od EJg6lElEJ +ll a€jj1 Ori CJ d7l*€9 a*Jrlzl? El+g lglql 44 dadlq idrlg120V 60 Hz 4 1 LCe oroduitest destin6d un usagedomestique Misesengardeimportantes\*= +t \\-.o Pr-ddll Poign6edu couvercle VoyantVoyant Warm cHAUD CouvercleDubacdeculsgon Mesur€9cnfonctiondc18\ - l \ Page $R-€18F6 ModdleAlimentation 120V 60 Hz Cuisson 0 W 0 W Capaciti6Esteproductose proponepara el uso dom6stico Medidasdeseguridadimportantes\ l \-*.-.\\ \ Warm TapaLuzque Lnterruptor Indica LuzqueLatanatirmemente Rttu EeriJ?\ . 1 \ Page Pesoneto ModeloEnergiaConsumida 310W 450W 650W 3nergiaCalentamientoPage Npcpa rts@us.pan PanasonicCorporationof NorthAmerica