Preparation | | 9. | Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of | Maintenance and Storage |
(Continued from previous page) | | | the fuel tank or container opening at all | 1. | DO NOT store mower or fuel container |
3. | Data indicates that operators age 60 and | | | times until fueling is complete. DO NOT | | inside where fumes may reach an open |
| above, are involved in a large percentage | | | use a nozzle lock-open device | | flame, spark or pilot light such as in a |
| of mower-related injuries. These operators | 10. If fuel is spilled on clothing, change cloth- | | water heater, furnace, clothes dryer or |
| should evaluate their ability to operate the | | ing immediately. | | other gas appliance. Allow engine to cool |
| mower safely enough to protect them- | | 11. DO NOT overfill a fuel tank. Replace fuel | | before storing machine in an enclosure. |
| selves and others from serious injury. | | | cap and tighten securely. | | Store fuel container out of reach of chil- |
4. | Handle fuel with extra care. Fuels are flam- | | | | | | dren in a well ventilated, unoccupied |
| mable and vapors are explosive. Use only | Operation | | | | building. |
| an approved fuel container. DO NOT | | 1. | DO NOT put hands or feet near or under | 2. | Keep mower and engine free of grass, |
| remove fuel cap or add fuel with engine | | | rotating parts. Keep clear of discharge | | leaves or excess grease to reduce fire haz- |
| running. Add fuel outdoors only with | | | area while engine is running. | | ard and engine overheating. |
| engine stopped and cool. Clean spilled fuel | 2. | STOP engine when crossing gravel drives, | 3. | When draining fuel tank, drain fuel into an |
| and oil from machine. DO NOT smoke. | | | walks, or roads, and under any conditions | | approved container outdoors and away |
5. | Check the area to be mowed and remove | | | where thrown objects might be a hazard. | | from open flame. |
| all objects such as toys, wire, rocks, limbs | 3. | Mow only in daylight or good artificial light. | 4. | Keep all bolts, especially blade bolts, nuts |
| and other objects that could cause injury if | 4. | DO NOT operate mower while under the | | and screws properly tight. Check that all |
| thrown by blade or interfere with mowing. | | | influence of alcohol or drugs. | | cotter pins are in proper position. |
| Also note the location of holes, stumps, | | 5. | After striking a foreign object or if mower | 5. | Always provide adequate ventilation when |
| and other possible hazards. | | | vibrates abnormally, STOP the engine, dis- | | running engine. Engine exhaust gases |
6. | Keep people and pets out of the mowing | | | connect and secure spark plug wire. | | contain carbon monoxide, a deadly poison. |
| area. Immediately, STOP Blade, Stop | | | Inspect the mower for any damage and | 6. | Service engine and make adjustments only |
| engine and Stop mower if anyone enters | | | repair the damage before starting. | | when engine is stopped. Removed spark |
| the area. | | 6. | DO NOT mow near drop offs, ditches or | | plug wire from spark plug and secure wire |
7. | Check shields, deflectors, switches, blade | | embankments. Operator could lose footing | | away from spark plug to prevent accidental |
| controls and other safety devices frequent- | | or balance. | | | starting. |
| the engine running. Allow the engine to | Reproductioncharge at people, passing cars, windows |
| ly for proper operation and location. | | 7. | STAY ALERT for holes and other hidden | 7. | DO NOT change engine governor speed |
8. | Make sure all safety decals are clearly leg- | | hazards. Tall grass can hide obstacles. | | setti gs or overspeed engine. |
| ible. Replace if damaged. | | | Keep away from ditches, washouts, cul- | 8. | Check grass bag assembly frequently for |
9. | Protect yourself when mowing and wear | | | verts, fences and p t uding objects. | | wear or deterioration to avoid thrown |
| safety glasses, a dust mask, long pants, | | 8. | DO NOT m w | n wet g ass. Always be | | bjects and exposure to moving parts. |
| and substantial footwear. DO NOT mow | | | sure of your | ting. Keep a firm hold n | | Replace with new bag if loose seams or |
| barefooted or with sandals. | | | the handle and walk, never run. Slipp ng | | tears are evident. Replace slider or bag |
| | | Not | | | adapter if broken or cracked. |
10. Know how to STOP blade and engine | | | could cause injury. | |
| quickly in preparation for emergencies. | | 9. | ALWAYS s ay behind handle when engine | 9. | Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap |
11. Use extra care when loading or unloading | | (m | r) is running.for | | the blades or wear heavy leather gloves |
| the machine into a trailer or truck. | | 10. DO NOT leave the machine with the | | and use CAUTION when handling them. |
12. Check grass catcher components frequent- | | engine running. STOP BLADE and STOP | 10. | DO NOT test for spark by grounding spark |
| ly for signs of wear or deterioration and | | | E GI | E before leaving the operators posi- | | plug next to spark plug hole; spark plug |
| replace as needed to prevent injury from | | | tion for any reason. | | could ignite gas exiting engine. |
| thrown objects going through weak or torn | 11. Before cleaning, repairing or inspecting | 11. | Have machine serviced by an authorized |
| spots. | | | make ce tain engine, blade and all moving | | dealer at least once a year and have the |
| | | | parts have STOPPED. Disconnect and | | dealer install any new safety devices. |
Safe Handling of Gasoline | | | secure s a k | lug wire away from plug to | 12. | Use only factory authorized replacement |
To avoid personal injury or property damage, | | | revent accidental starting. | | parts or like parts when making repairs. |
use extreme care in handling gasoline. Gasoline | 12. STOP ngine and wait until the blade | | |
is extremely flammable and the vapors are | | | com s to com lete STOP before removing | | |
explosive. | | | grass bag and/or clearing grass. | | |
1. | Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and | 13. | DO NOT operate mower without the entire | | |
| other sources of ignition. | | | grass catcher, or guards in place discharge | | |
2. | Use only an approved fuel container. | | | guard, rear guard or other safety devices in | | |
3. | DO NOT remove fuel cap or add fuel with | | place and working. DO NOT point dis- | | |
| cool before refueling. | | | or doors. | | | |
4. | DO NOT refuel the machine indoors. | | 14. | DO NOT discharge material against a wall | | |
5. | DO NOT store the machine or fuel contain- | | or obstruction. Material may ricochet back | | |
| er inside where there is an open flame, | | | towards the operator. | | |
| spark or pilot light such as on a water | | 15. | Slow down before turning. | | |
| heater or other appliances. | | 16. | Watch out for traffic when near or crossing | | |
6. | DO NOT fill fuel containers inside a vehicle | | roadways. | | | |
| or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic | | 17. | DO NOT operate engine in enclosed | | |
| liner. Always place the containers on the | | | areas. Engine exhaust gases contain car- | | |
| ground away from the vehicle before filling. | | bon monoxide, a deadly poison. | | |
7. | Remove gas-powered equipment from the | 18. | Only use accessories approved by the | | |
| vehicle or trailer and refuel it on the | | | manufacturer. See manufacturer’s instruc- | | |
| ground. If this is not possible, then refuel | | | tions for proper operation and installation | | |
| equipment using a portable container, | | | of accessories. | | |
| rather than a gasoline dispenser nozzle. | | | | | | | |
8. | DO NOT start gas powered equipment in | | | | | | | |
| enclosed vehicles or trailers. | | | | | | | |