Craftsman 247.28911 Slope Operation, Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch

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Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid erraticoperationandexcessivespeed. Disengageblade(s),setparkingbrake,stopengineandwaituntil the blade(s)cometo a completestopbeforeremovinggrass catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrassor debris,or makinganyadjustments.

Neverleavea runningmachineunattended.Alwaysturnoff blade(s),setparkingbrake,stopengineandremovekeybefore dismounting.

Useextracare whenloadingorunloadingthe machineintoa trailerortruck. Thismachineshouldnot bedrivenupor down ramp(s),becausethe machinecouldtip over,causingserious personalinjury.The machinemustbe pushedmanuallyon ramp(s)to loador unloadproperly.

Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch.

Checkoverheadclearancescarefullybeforedrivingunderlow hangingtree branches,wires,dooropeningsetc.,wherethe operatormaybestruckor pulledfromthe machine,whichcould resultinseriousinjury. Disengageallattachmentclutchesanddepressthe brakepedal completelybeforeattemptingto start engine. Yourmachineisdesignedto cutnormalresidentialgrassof a heightnomorethan 10".Do not attemptto mowthroughunusually tall,dry grass(e.g.,pasture)orpiles of dry leaves.Drygrassor leavesmaycontactthe engineexhaustand/or builduponthe mowerdeckpresentinga potentialfire hazard. Useonlyaccessoriesandattachmentsapprovedfor this machine by the machinemanufacturerRead,understandandfollowall. instructionsprovidedwiththe approvedaccessoryor attachment. Fora list of approvedaccessoriesandattachments,call 1-800- 659-5917.

Dataindicatesthatoperators,age60yearsandabove,are involvedin a largepercentageof ridingmower-relatedinjuries. Theseoperatorsshouldevaluatetheirabilityto operatethe riding mowersafelyenoughto protectthemselvesandothersfrom seriousinjury.

If situationsoccurwhicharenot coveredinthismanual,usecare andgoodjudgment.Contact1-800-659-5917for informationand assistance.


Slopesarea majorfactorrelatedto lossof controlandtip-over accidentswhichcan resultinsevereinjuryor death.Allslopesrequire extracaution.Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it, do not mowit.

Foryoursafety,use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area. Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide,do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result.


oMowupanddown slopes,not across.Exerciseextremecaution whenchangingdirectionon slopes.

Watchfor holes,ruts,bumps,rocks,orother hiddenobjects.

Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine.Tallgrasscan hide obstacles.

Useslowspeed.Choosea lowenoughspeedsettingso that you will nothaveto stopor shiftwhileon the slope.Tiresmay lose tractionon slopeseventhoughthe brakesarefunctioning properly.Alwayskeepmachinein gearwhen goingdownslopes to takeadvantageof enginebrakingaction.

Followthe manufacturer'srecommendationsfor wheelweights

or counterweightsto improvestability.Forrecommendations,call 1-800-659-5917.

Useextracarewithgrasscatchersor otherattachments.These can changethe stabilityof the machine. Keepallmovementonthe slopesslowandgradual.Do not make suddenchangesinspeedor direction.Rapidengagementor brakingcouldcausethe frontof the machineto lift andrapidlyflip overbackwardswhichcouldcauseseriousinjury.

Avoidstartingorstoppingona slope. Iftireslosetraction,disen- gagethe blade(s)andproceedslowlystraightdownthe slope.

Do Not:

Donot turnon slopesunlessnecessary;then,turnslowlyand graduallydownhill,if possible.

Donot mowneardrop-offs,ditchesor embankmentsThe. mower could suddenlyturnover if a wheelis overthe edgeof a cliff, ditch,or if an edgecavesin.

Donot try to stabilizethe machineby puttingyourfooton the ground.

Donot usea grasscatcheron steepslopes.

Donot mowon wetgrass.Reducedtractioncouldcausesliding.

Donot attemptto coastdownhill.Over-speedingmaycausethe operatorto lose controlof the machineresultingin seriousinjury or death.

Donot towheavypull behindattachments(e.g. loadeddumpcart, lawn roller,etc.)on slopesgreaterthan5 degrees.Whengoing down hill,the extraweighttendsto pushthe tractorandmay causeyou to loosecontrol(e.g.tractormayspeedup, brakingand steeringabilityarereduced,attachmentmayjack-knifeandcause tractorto overturn).


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Contents Am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun FormNo.769-05757ACraftsman Full Warranty Dateof PurchaseCalifornia Proposition General OperationFollowthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweights Slope OperationMufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch Do NotTowing ServiceSafeHandlingof Gasoline Spark Arrestor Do not Modify EngineSafeworkingcondition Safety Symbols Read the OperatorsmanualsSlope GuidePage California Proposition Page Meets ANSi Safety Standards Seat Adjustment Knob Parking BrakeDeck Lift Lever PTO Blade Engage LeverSafety Interlock System Gas and Oil Fill=up 0ilThegasolinetank is locatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfill Read Operators ManualEngaging the Parking Brake Starting the EngineStopping the Engine Driving the TractorDriving on Slopes Engaging the BladesMowing Using the Deck Lift LeverHeadlights Maintenance Schedule Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageallControlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Air filterEngine Maintenance Checking the Engine OilAir Cleaner Fuel FilterTo changethe fuel filter Checkthe fuel linesfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessaryPivot Points & Linkage LubricationFront Axles Adjustments Cleaning the Engine and DeckLeveling the Deck Cutting Deck Removal Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractorsPTOpulley.See FigTires Jump StartingCharging Othergas appliances.J Land heed ts warnngsFuse Cutting BladesChanging the Deck Belt SeeFigParking Brake Adjustment To locatethe nearestParts& Repair Service Centeror to schedChanging the Transmission Drive BeltIfusingafuel stabilizer Preparing the EngineDRAiNiNG the Fuel Preparing the Lawn TractorNeed More HELP? 777X41984 Craftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel Craftsman Lawn Tractor Model DescriptionCraftsman Lawn Tractor Model Ref, I Part No 41\ Description Craftsman Lawn Tractor Model 12J 710-04483 Craftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel Ref, I Description 750Craftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel Ref,NO 49\ sl so Ref, Part No Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707=1346=G2 For IViodel 13J Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707-1346-G2 For IViodel127 73i Craftsman Engine IViodel 310707-1346-G2 For IViodel3o9i Craftsman Engine Model 31C707-1346-G2For Model 51ACraftsman Engine Model 31C707-1346=G2For Model 544EngineGasket Set ValveGasket Set CarburetorOverhaul Kit Page Page Moderate GDOC-100182RevBSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Atrasados MotorFuncionaiviiento General IGUARIE EstasinstruccionesHaga Io siguiente Funcionamiento EN PendientesNo haga Io siguiente Reiviolque Manejo seguro de la gasolinaAviso Referido a Emisiones No Modifique EL MotorGuardachispas Sivibolos DE Seguridad LEA EL Manuals DEL OperadorGUiA DE Pendiente Advertencia Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA Bateria ENVlO Brace ELllVIINACICNPRESlON DE LAS Llantas QUE UNE EL VolanteColocacion DE LA Sede Palancadel frenode estacionambnto Acebradory palancadecontroldeChokePortavasos De VelocidadAcelerador Y Palanca DE Control DE Levante LA Palanca DE LA CubiPortavasos Boton DE Ajuste DEL AsientoCarga DE Aceite Y Gasolina AceiteGasolina Lea el manual del o eradorReverse Caution Mode Reverse Normal Mode Driving Position StopSistema DE Bloqueo DE Seguridad Accionado EL Freno DE EstacionamientoArranque DEL Motor LA Conduccion DEL Tractor Paro DEL MotorInvolucrar a LOS Blades Conduccion EN LAS LaderasUSO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LA Palanca DE Cortar FarosPrograma DE iVlANTENIIVllENTO CercanoSearso para programarel servicio,simplementepbnFiltro de combustible FTira reactivaDe mangaj Paradrenar el combustible Liivipiador DE AireParacarnbiarel filtro de combustible Limpieza DEL Motor Limpieza DE LA BATERiALubricacion Limpieza DE LAS M..QUINAS Y LA CubiertaUN Lado a Otro AjustesTornillohexagonal Ajuste DEL Asiento Freno DE Estacionamiento DE AjustePlataforivia DE Corte DE ELIMINAClON Tienda Sears de 1-800-4-MY-HOMEEL Arranque Carga NEUM.TICOSBatera FusibleDE Caivibiar LA Correa DE Cubierta Paraquitarlas hojas,hagaIo siguienteCaivibio DE LA Correa DE TRANSiVIISI6N PREPARACI6N DEL Motor EL Drenaje DE LOS CombustiblesPREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE Cesped Tibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motorManage Home GDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel Acuerdo Servicio de instalaci6nde SearsRiding Equipment questions or problems?