Craftsman 247.28911 manual Thispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly

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(Thispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly.)

Sears Brands Management Corporation (Sears), the California Air Resources Board (CARD)

and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)

Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations)


California and United States Emission

The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARD),U.S.EPAand Searsare pleased to explainthe EmissionControlSystemWarrantyon your modelyear2000and latersmalloff-roadengine(SORE).InCalifornia,newsmall off-roadengines mustbe designed,builtand equippedto meettheState'sstringentanti-smog standards.Elsewherein theUnitedStates, newnon-road,spark-ignition enginescertifiedfor modelyear 1997and latermustmeetsimilarstandardsset forth bythe U.S.EPA.Sears mustwarranttheemissioncontrol systemon your


Control Defects Warranty Statement

enginefor theperiodsoftime listedbelow,providedtherehas been noabuse, neglector impropermaintenanceof your smalloff-roadengine.Youremis- sion controlsystemincludespartssuch as thecarburetor,air cleaner,ignition system,mufflerand catalyticconverter.Also includedmaybe connectorsand otheremissionrelatedassembliesWherea. warrantableconditionexists,Sears will repairyour smalloff-roadengineat no costto you includingdiagnosis,parts and labor.

Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage

Smalloff-roadenginesarewarrantedrelativeto emissioncontrol partsdefects fora periodof one year,subjectto provisionsset forth below.Ifany covered

Owner's Warranty

Asthe smalloff-roadengine owner,you are responsiblefor theperformanceof therequiredmaintenancelistedin yourOperatingand MaintenanceInstruc- tions.Searsrecommendsthatyou retain all yourreceiptscoveringmaintenance on yoursmalloff-roadengine,butSears cannotdenywarrantysolelyfor the lackof receiptsorfor yourfailureto ensuretheperformanceof all scheduled maintenanceAs. the smalloff-roadengineowner,you shouldhoweverbe awarethat Searsmaydenyyou warrantycoverageif your smalloff-roadengine ora part hasfaileddueto abuse,neglect,impropermaintenanceor unap-

parton yourengineis defective,the part willbe repairedorreplacedbySears.


provedmodifications.Youare responsiblefor presentingyour smalloff-road engineto an AuthorizedSearsServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists.The undisputedwarrantyrepairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time,notto exceed30 days. Ifyou haveany questionsregardingyourwarranty rightsand responsibilities,you shouldcontacta SearsService Representative at 1-800-469-4663The. emissionwarrantyis a defectswarranty.Defectsare judged on normalengineperformance.Thewarrantyis notrelatedto an in-use emissiontest.

Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions


enginesfound in theOperatingand MaintenanceInstructions.



1. WarrantedParts



Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to the parts listedbelow (the


Repairor replacementof anyWarrantedPartwill be performedat no

emissioncontrolsystemsparts)to the extentthese partswere presenton


chargeto the owner,includingdiagnosticlabor whichleadsto the

the engine purchased.


determinationthata WarrantedPartis defective,if the diagnosticwork is




performedat an AuthorizedSears ServiceDealer.For emissionswarranty


Cold start enrichmentsystem


servicecontact yournearestAuthorizedSears ServiceDealeras listed in


Carburetorand internalparts


the "YellowPages"under"Engines,Gasoline,""GasolineEngines,""Lawn







Claimsand CoverageExclusions


Air lnduction System


Warrantyclaimsshall be filed in accordancewiththe provisionsof the


Air cleaner





Sears EngineWarrantyPolicy.Warrantycoverageshall be excludedfor




failuresof WarrantedPartswhichare notoriginal Sears partsor because



of abuse, neglector impropermaintenanceas setforth inthe Sears

Spark plug(s)

EngineWarrantyPolicy.Sears is notliableto coverfailuresof Warranted





Partscausedby theuse of add-on,non-original,or modifiedparts.







Any WarrantedPart whichis notscheduledfor replacementas required






maintenanceor whichis scheduledonly for regularinspectionto the effect


Air injectionsystemor pulsevalve




of "repairor replaceas necessary"shallbe warrantedasto defectsfor the


MiscellaneousItemsUsedin AboveSystems



warrantyperiod.Any WarrantedPartwhich is scheduledfor replacement




as requiredmaintenanceshallbe warrantedasto defectsonly forthe




periodof time up to the first scheduledreplacementfor that part. Any






replacementpart that is equivalentin performanceand durabilitymay




2. Lengthof Coverage


be usedin the performanceof any maintenanceor repairs.The owneris

Searswarrantsto the initialownerand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat


responsibleforthe performanceof all requiredmaintenance,as definedin

the WarrantedParts shallbe free from defects in materialsandworkman-


the SearsOperatingand MaintenanceInstructions.

shipwhich causedthefailure of the WarrantedPartsfor a periodof one



yearfrom the datethe engineis deliveredto a retailpurchaser.


Coveragehereundershallextend to thefailure of any engine components




caused bythe failureof any WarrantedPartstill underwarranty.

Inthe USAandCanada,a 24 hour hotline, 1-800-469-4663,has a menu of pre-recordedmessagesofferingyou enginemaintenanceinformation. GD0C-100188Rev.B


Image 55
Contents FormNo.769-05757A Am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =SunDateof Purchase Craftsman Full WarrantyGeneral Operation California PropositionDo Not Followthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweightsSlope Operation Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touchTowing ServiceSafeHandlingof Gasoline Spark Arrestor Do not Modify EngineSafeworkingcondition Read the Operatorsmanuals Safety SymbolsGuide SlopePage California Proposition Page Meets ANSi Safety Standards PTO Blade Engage Lever Seat Adjustment KnobParking Brake Deck Lift LeverRead Operators Manual Safety Interlock SystemGas and Oil Fill=up 0il Thegasolinetank is locatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfillStarting the Engine Engaging the Parking BrakeEngaging the Blades Stopping the EngineDriving the Tractor Driving on SlopesMowing Using the Deck Lift LeverHeadlights Air filter Maintenance ScheduleBeforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall Controlsandstoptheengine.WaituntilallmovingpartshavecometoChecking the Engine Oil Engine MaintenanceCheckthe fuel linesfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary Air CleanerFuel Filter To changethe fuel filterPivot Points & Linkage LubricationFront Axles Adjustments Cleaning the Engine and DeckLeveling the Deck Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractorsPTOpulley.See Fig Cutting Deck RemovalOthergas appliances.J Land heed ts warnngs TiresJump Starting ChargingSeeFig FuseCutting Blades Changing the Deck BeltBelt Parking Brake AdjustmentTo locatethe nearestParts& Repair Service Centeror to sched Changing the Transmission DrivePreparing the Lawn Tractor Ifusingafuel stabilizerPreparing the Engine DRAiNiNG the FuelNeed More HELP? 777X41984 Craftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel Description Craftsman Lawn Tractor ModelCraftsman Lawn Tractor Model Ref, I Part No 41\ Description Craftsman Lawn Tractor Model 12J 710-04483 Craftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel 750 Ref, I DescriptionCraftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel Ref,NO 49\ sl so Ref, Part No Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707=1346=G2 For IViodel Craftsman Engine IViodel 31C707-1346-G2 For IViodel 13J127 Craftsman Engine IViodel 310707-1346-G2 For IViodel 73i3o9i 51A Craftsman Engine Model 31C707-1346-G2For Model544 Craftsman Engine Model 31C707-1346=G2For ModelEngineGasket Set ValveGasket Set CarburetorOverhaul Kit Page Page GDOC-100182RevB ModerateSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Motor AtrasadosIGUARIE Estasinstrucciones Funcionaiviiento GeneralHaga Io siguiente Funcionamiento EN PendientesNo haga Io siguiente Manejo seguro de la gasolina ReiviolqueAviso Referido a Emisiones No Modifique EL MotorGuardachispas LEA EL Manuals DEL Operador Sivibolos DE SeguridadGUiA DE Pendiente Advertencia ENVlO Brace ELllVIINACICN Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA BateriaPRESlON DE LAS Llantas QUE UNE EL VolanteColocacion DE LA Sede De Velocidad Palancadel frenode estacionambntoAcebradory palancadecontroldeChoke PortavasosBoton DE Ajuste DEL Asiento Acelerador Y Palanca DE Control DELevante LA Palanca DE LA Cubi PortavasosLea el manual del o erador Carga DE Aceite Y GasolinaAceite GasolinaAccionado EL Freno DE Estacionamiento Reverse Caution ModeReverse Normal Mode Driving Position Stop Sistema DE Bloqueo DE SeguridadParo DEL Motor Arranque DEL Motor LA Conduccion DEL TractorInvolucrar a LOS Blades Conduccion EN LAS LaderasUSO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LA Palanca DE Faros CortarCercanoSearso para programarel servicio,simplementepbn Programa DE iVlANTENIIVllENTOFiltro de combustible FTira reactivaDe mangaj Paradrenar el combustible Liivipiador DE AireParacarnbiarel filtro de combustible Limpieza DE LAS M..QUINAS Y LA Cubierta Limpieza DEL MotorLimpieza DE LA BATERiA LubricacionUN Lado a Otro AjustesTornillohexagonal Tienda Sears de 1-800-4-MY-HOME Ajuste DEL AsientoFreno DE Estacionamiento DE Ajuste Plataforivia DE Corte DE ELIMINAClONFusible EL ArranqueCarga NEUM.TICOS BateraParaquitarlas hojas,hagaIo siguiente DE Caivibiar LA Correa DE CubiertaCaivibio DE LA Correa DE TRANSiVIISI6N Tibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motor PREPARACI6N DEL MotorEL Drenaje DE LOS Combustibles PREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE CespedManage Home GDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoRiding Equipment questions or problems?