Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall | Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes |
controlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo | serviceguidelinesonly. Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrack |
acompletestop.Disconnectsparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe | of completedmaintenancetasks.To locate the nearest Parts& |
enginetopreventunintendedstarting.Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring Repair Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontact
operationor whileperforminganyadjustmentsor repairs. |
| |||
BeforeEachUse | 1. | Engineoil level | 1. | Check |
| 2. | Mufflerareaandcontrols | 2. | Clean |
| 3. | Fingerguard | 3. | Clean |
In the FirstFiveHours | 1. | EngineOil | 1. | Change |
Every10Hours | 1. | Hood/Dashairvents | 1. | Clean |
| 2. | Batteryterminals | 2. | Clean |
| 3. | Deckspindlesand idler | 3. | Lubricate |
| bracket |
Every25 hours | 1. | Air filter'sprecleaner* | 1. | Clean |
| 2. | Air filter* | 2. | Clean |
| 3. | Midsteeringarms,pivot | 3. | Lubricate |
| shafts,andaxles |
| 4. | Frontwheelbearings | 4. | Lubricate |
| 5. | Frontdeckwheels | 5. | Lubricate |
Every50 hours | 1. | Engineoil | 1. | Change |
| 2. | Muffler | 2. | Check |
Annually | 1. | Air filter | 1. | Replace |
| 2. | Air | 2. | Replace |
| 3. | Sparkplug | 3. | Replace |
| 4. | Air coolingsystem* | 4. | Clean |
| 5. | Fuelfilter | 5. | Replace |
| 6. | SteeringGears | 6. | Clean |
| 7. | RearWheels | 7. | Removeandgreaseaxles |
BeforeStorage | 1. | Hood/Dashairvents | 1. | Clean |
| 2. | Batteryterminals | 2. | Clean |
| 3. | Midsteeringarms,pivot | 3. | Lubricate |
| shafts,andaxles |
| 4. | Frontwheelbearings | 4. | Lubricate |
| 5. | Frontdeckwheels | 5. | Lubricate |
| 6. | Deckspindlesand idler | 6. | Lubricate |
| bracket |
| 7. | Pedalpivotpoints | 7. | Lubricate |
Beforeperformingany maintenanceor repairs,disengagethe PTO (BladeEngageLever),engagethe parkingbrake,stopthe engine and removethe keyto preventunintendedstarting.
Ifthe enginehasbeen recentlyrun,the engine,mufflerandsur- roundingmetalsurfaceswill behotand cancauseburnsto the skin. Exercisecautionto avoidburns.