At the time of manufacture of tractor, the following
optional equipment is available.
Description | Model No. |
Grass Collector For 46" Deck | |
Mulching Kit For 46" Deck | |
45" Two Stage Snow Thrower | |
48" Dozer Blade | |
42" Rear Dozer Blade** | |
Agriculutral Traction Tires | |
Tire | |
100 lb. Wheel Weights | |
Front Bumper Kit | |
Sleeve Hitch Kit | |
28" PTO Driven Rear Mounted Tiller | |
38" 8 HP Rear Mounted Tiller | |
Electric Lift Kit | |
10" Moldboard Plow** | |
Single Disc Harrow** | |
Row Crop Cultivator** | |
Gang Reel (Set of three)* | |
38" Lawn Sweeper* | |
Heavy Duty Lawn Roller* | |
Heavy Duty Dump Cart* | |
Tine | |
*Availiable through your local dealer or from
**Sleeve Hitch Required