The towing unit must only be loaded with a verti- cal force of max. 100 N.
The pulling force on the tow unit from towed ac- cessories must be max. 500 N.
NOTE! Before using a trailer – contact your insur- ance company.
NOTE! This machine is not intended to be driven on public roads.
The engine casing must be removed to inspect and maintain the engine and battery. Removing:
1.Lift up the two catches on the rear edge (fig. 4).
2.First pull the engine casing backwards slightly. Then lift it off.
1.Tilt the seat forward.
2.Align the casing’s top front pegs to the recesses in the front of the engine casing (fig. 5). Do not push the pegs in yet (see item 4 below).
3.Place the casing’s bottom pegs in the groove in the shock absorber.
4.Guide in the two side pegs in the groove in the front engine casing. Now press forward the complete casing.
5.Finally, push down the two catches.
The machine must not used without the engine casing fitted. Risk for burn inju- ries and pinch injuries.
Always use clean unleaded petrol. Never use oil- mixed
NOTE! Bear in mind that standard unleaded petrol is perishable. Never purchase more than what you can use within 30 days.
Petrol is highly inflammable. Store pet- rol in specially made containers for this purpose.
Only fill up with petrol outdoors, and never smoke when filling. Fill up with petrol before starting the engine. Never remove the filler cap or fill up with pet- rol when the engine is running or still warm.
Never completely fill the fuel tank. Leave an emp- ty space (= at least the entire filler tube plus 1 - 2 cm at the top of the tank) to allow the petrol to ex- pand when it warms up without overflowing.
CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL (Master - Senator - Comfort - Presi- dent)
On delivery, the crankcase is filled with SAE 30 oil.
Check the oil level every time before using to ensure that it is correct. The machine should be standing on level ground.
Wipe clean round the oil dipstick. Release it and pull out. Wipe, push down fully and screw it back in.
Unscrew it and pull out again. Check the oil level. Top up with oil to the “FULL” mark if the oil level is below this (fig. 7).
On delivery, the crankcase is filled with SAE oil
Check the oil level every time before using to ensure that it is correct. The machine should be standing on level ground.
Wipe clean round the oil dipstick. Release it and pull out. Wipe, push down fully without screwing it back in.
Pull out again and check the oil level. Top up with oil to the “FULL” mark if the oil level is below this (fig. 8).
This machine is equipped with a safety system that consists of:
-a switch at the gear lever (only Master, Senator, Comfort).
-a switch at the brake pedal (only President, Royal).
-a switch in the seat mounting (all).
In order to start the machine, the following are nec- essary: