Do not tip the battery enough for bat- tery acid to run out onto your hands and clothing. If this should happen, flush with lots of water.
If the battery terminals are coated with oxide, they should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with a wire brush and grease them.
The machine has three grease nipples on the rear axle, which should be lubricated with universal grease after every 25 operating hours (fig. 17).
Lubricate the steering cables with universal grease a couple of times per season.
Lubricate the plastic bearings with universal grease a couple of times per season.
Lubricate the tension arms joints with engine oil a couple of times per season.
Drop a little engine oil in both ends of the throttle control cable a couple of times per season.
Master - Senator - Comfort:
The transmission is filled with oil (SAE
Adjust the steering cables for the first time after 2
–3 hours of operation, and then after every 25 hours of operation.
Tension the steering cables by tightening up the nuts (fig. 18). Important! The “screw ends” of the steering cables should be held firmly during the adjustment so that the cables are not twisted. Use an adjustable wrench or the like, inserting it in the key handles in the ends of the screws.
Tension the cables until they are no longer slack.
Do not tension the cables too hard. This can cause unnecessary wear on the steering cables and pul- leys etc.
This machine, or parts thereof, is protected by the following patents and protection of designs:
00 1080 (SE).
STIGA reserves the right to modify the product without giving any prior notice.