Minelab II QUICKSTART’S Digital Display, Digital display, Ferrous and conductivity rating

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Digital display



Figure 5.7, 5.8



When the Smartfind screen is displayed, pressing the DETECT



shortcut button on the control panel switches to the Explorer II’s



alternative Digital display.


Figure 5.7 Quickstart’s Digital Display

The display rates both the ferrous content and the conductivity of an





object with numbers from 0-31. The number for ferrous content is



under the label ‘Fer’ and that for the conductivity is under the label



‘Cond’. A value of 0 represents low ferrous content and 31



represents high ferrous content. Similarly, 0 represents low



conductivity and 31 represents high conductivity.


Figure 5.8 Digital as full screen display

The right of the digital read-out you will see an icon representing the




Preferred Display

possible target and, in full screen display, a list of displaying up to


three possible target classifications.


The Explorer II remembers which

It is important to note that the discrimination settings (either the


current Discrimination Pattern or the Iron Mask are still active and

display was last used in your


targets outside the accepted area will not update the display. If you


detecting. If this happens to be

want to adjust the discrimination, simply press the DETECT button to


Digital, this display will appear


return to the Smartfind display.


next time you turn on the detector.




It should be noted that any

HINT The digits shown in Digital display are a numeric


estimation of the horizontal and vertical position of the


adjustments to discrimination that


target crosshair displayed in Smartfind mode (that is, its


are made in Smartfind will be


ferrous and conductivity rating).


retained and used in Digital.

As you familiarize yourself with each display, try switching





from one to the other to compare the results.








Image 11
Contents Quickstart Introducing Quickstart Getting StartedDisplay memory Trying out the detector Beginner USE10 2 Quickstart DisplayEasy reference QUICKSTART’S Smartfind Display Two-dimensional discriminationTwo-dimensional discrimination explained Conductivity Ferrous contentDiscrimination Interpreting target responsesSmartfind Discrimination pattern Introducing DiscrimIron Mask Adjusting the Iron MaskSmartfind in Iron Mask Operating in Iron MaskFerrous and conductivity rating Target crosshair displayed in Smartfind mode that is, itsQUICKSTART’S Digital Display Digital displayFull screen display Adjusting the display contrastModifying the Display Semi-auto Noise CancelAdjusting sensitivity Sensitivity controlThreshold control Adjusting ThresholdDisplay Icon Pitch of response Adjusting the volumeAudio Response Main Menu Audio HeadphonesAudio Menu Introduction to the Audio menuMax limit Audio Adjusting the VolumeIntroducing Volume Normal alisasing Main Menu Audio Volume Gain adjustmentGain Limits Introducing ToneThreshold tone VariabilityConductivity Audio Adjusting the SoundsIntroducing Sounds ConstantMain Menu Audio Sounds Ferrous FerrousTesting Target Audio Responses tutorial Respond to the nail Introducing PinpointExplorer II’s Pinpoint function Rusty nail buried nearby. Selection of Pinpoint instructs21 Pinpointing the object Using PinpointFill your holes Select targets list Selecting TargetsSmartfind thumbnail. Discrimination pattern for current Top left corner of all discrimination patterns Explorer’s II Discrim factory settingMask shortcut button You are now ready to proceed to Advanced Use Moving to Advanced modeReset the detector Main Menu Options AdvancedMinelab Explorer