Jonsered LT2118A instruction manual Cold motor Push the gas control up to end positon choke

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Pull out the choke control (if engine is cold).

Den Kaltstarthebel herausziehen (nur bei kaltem Motor).

Si le moteur est froid : Tirer la commande de starter.

Extraer el estrangulador (únicamente si el motor está frío).

Estrarre il comando dello choke (in caso di partenza a freddo).

Trek de choke uit (geldt alleen indien de motor koud is).


Cold motor: Push the gas control up to end positon choke (



Bei kaltem Motor: Gashebel in die Endstellung choke (









Avec un moteur froid: pousser l'accélérateur vers le haut à la limite du starter choke ().

Con el motor frío: Empuje el acelerador hacia arriba hasta la posición choke () [estrangulación].

Motore freddo: Portare il comando del gas su choke ().

Bij een koude motor: Schuif de gashendel naar boven tot de eindpositie choke ().

Warm motor: Push the gas control half-way to full gass position "".

Bei warmem Motor: Gashebel in die Vollgasstellung "" schieben.

Si le moteur est chaud : pousser la commande des gaz à mi- distance de sa position d'accélération maximale. "".

Moter caliente: Empuje el acelerador hasta la mitad de su recorrido hacia la posición de plenos gases "".

Motore caldo: Portare il comando del gas sul massimo " ".

Bij een warme motor: Schuif de gashendel halverwege naar de volgaspositie "".


Image 37
Contents LT2117A LT2118A Page Training Safety RulesII. Preparation III. OperationIV. Maintenance and Storage Schulung SicherheitsvorschriftenII. Vorbereitung III. BetriebIV. Wartung UND Lagerung Précautions D’UTILISATION Règles de SécuritéII. Préparation III. UtilisationIV. Entretien ET Entreposage Instrucción Reglas De SeguridadII. Preparación III. OperaciónIV. Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento Addestramento ALL’USO Norme AntinfortunisticheII. Preparazione III. FunzionamentoIV. Manutenzione E Periodi DI INATTIVITA’ Training VeiligheidsregelsII. Voorbereiding III. BedieningIV. Onderhoud EN Opslag EN8361997/A2LOW Directive for Safety Gefahr ZU Vermeiden Schwefelsäure Augen Unver Augen Schützen Stuur installeren Install steering wheelEinbau des Lenkrades Montage du volant de directionSitz SeatSiège AsientoRemarque HinweisNota LT2118A Installazione della batteria Install battery Einbau der BatterieAccu installeren Mise en place de la batterie02604 Einstellen DER Tasträder To Adjust Gauge WheelsReglage DES Roulettes DE Jauge Para Ajustar LAS Ruedas CalibradorasSchnelles Heben und Senken des Mähaggregats Ubicación de los mandos Emplacement des commandesComandi De plaats van de bedieningsorganenThrottle control Commande des gazGashebel AceleradorThrottle and choke control Commande des gaz et starterGas-und kaltstarthebel Brake and clutch pedalMotion control lever Levier de commande de la transmission hydrostatiqueEin- und Ausschalten des Antriebes Acoplamiento/desacoplamiento de la trans- misiónElevación/descenso rápidos del equipo de corte Relevage et abaissement du carter de coupeQuick lifting/lowering of the cutting unit Schnelles Heben und Senken des Mähaggre- gatsZündschloß Ignition LockClé de contact et de démarrage Cerradura de encendidoFreno de estacionamiento Frein de stationnementFreno di parcheggio Parkeerrem10. Mähhöheneinstellung Cutting height setting10. Réglage de la hauteur de coupe Ajuste de la altura de corteReposición de combustible Filling upTanken Plein de carburantÖlstand Oil levelNiveau d’huile Nivel de aceiteDriving . Betrieb . Conduite . Conducción Guida . Rijden Cold motor Push the gas control up to end positon choke Start Amener la clé de contact sur la position DémarrageAttendre une dizaine de secondes avant deffectuer une Nouvelle tentativeEntlüften DES Getriebes Purge TransmissionPurge DE LA Transmission Spurgo Della Trasmissione Purgar LA TransmisiónTransmissie Ontluchten Su tractor esta ahora dispuesto para la operación nor- malConducción ConduiteDriving Betrieb GuidaConsejos para el corte Conseils pour la tonteConsigli per il taglio dell’erba MaaitipsPericolo AdvertenciaWarnung WaarschuwingAbstellen des Motors Switching off the engineArrêt du moteur Parada del motorMotorhaube Engine hoodCapot moteur Relever le capot Débrancher les pharesCofano Motore Cubierta del motorMotorkap Wartung MaintenanceEntretien MantenimientoWartung des Motors To service enginePour assurer lentretien du moteur Mantenimiento del motorWartungsnachweis Service RecordInforme DE Servicio Schema DentretienDati DI Servizio Service AantekeningenMesserbalken BladesLames Lame CuchillasMessen Eleve la segadora hasta su posición más alta para PoderBremse BrakesFrein FrenoDemontage des Mähdecks Dismantling of the cutting unitDepose du Carter de Coupe Desmontaje de la unidad de corteReplacement of drive belt for cutting unit Assembly of the cutting unitEinbau des Mähdecks Mise en place du carter de coupeEinstellung des Mähaggregats Adjustment of the cutting unitRéglage du carter de coupe Ajuste de la unidad de corteAdjuste DE Lado a Lado SIDE-TO-SIDE AdjustmentSeitliche Einstellung Reglage TransversalRemplacement de la courroie dentraînement Replacement of drive beltAuswechsein des Treibriemens Cambio de correa propulsoraTransaxle Motion Control Lever Neutral Adjustment Reglage DU Levier DE LA Commande D’AVANCEMENTErati TRANSACHSEN-KÜHLUNG Transaxle CoolingRefroidissement DE LA Transmission Enfriamiento DEL TransejeTroubleshooting 7. Störungssuche Recherche des pannes . Búsqueda de averías Ricerca guasti . Het localiseren van fouten Storage . Aufbewahrung . Remisage . Conservación ServiceEntretien et réparations ServicioServizio Rismessaggio . Stallen

LT2118A specifications

The Jonsered LT2118A is a robust and efficient lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of both residential and semi-professional users. Equipped with a powerful engine and advanced technology, this model provides an outstanding mowing experience, making it a preferred choice for homeowners and landscape enthusiasts.

At the heart of the LT2118A is its reliable 18.5 HP Briggs & Stratton V-Twin engine. This engine not only ensures powerful performance but also provides a smooth and quiet operation. It is designed for optimal fuel efficiency, allowing users to cover large areas without frequent refueling. The engine's design minimizes vibrations and noise, contributing to a more enjoyable mowing experience.

One of the standout features of the Jonsered LT2118A is its 42-inch cutting deck. This cutting deck enables users to navigate through tight spaces while still delivering a wide cutting path for efficient mowing. The deck offers multiple cutting heights, allowing for precise adjustments to achieve the desired grass height. The deck’s robust construction ensures durability, while the anti-scalp wheels prevent damage to the lawn surfaces.

Another significant aspect of the LT2118A is its Hydrostatic transmission system. This technology provides seamless speed control and easy maneuverability. With no gears to shift, riders can easily adjust their speed while maintaining control over the tractor. This is a notable advantage for mowing on uneven terrain or around obstacles.

Additionally, the Jonsered LT2118A features ergonomic controls and a comfortable seat designed for prolonged use. The high-back seat provides support while reducing fatigue during long mowing sessions. The intuitive layout of the controls allows for easy access to essential functions, making it user-friendly even for beginners.

Safety is also a priority with the LT2118A. This model includes features such as an automatic blade brake that engages when the operator leaves the seat. This ensures that the blades stop quickly, reducing the risk of accidents.

In summary, the Jonsered LT2118A is a versatile lawn tractor that combines power, efficiency, and comfort. With its strong engine, advanced transmission, and user-friendly design, it is an ideal choice for anyone looking to maintain their lawn with ease and precision. Whether tackling large yards or navigating through complex landscaping, the LT2118A stands out as a reliable and effective solution for outdoor maintenance.