Thankyou for your purchase of the .KRELLKSL-2.T.he KSL-2utilizes someof the latest evolutions in preampli- fier technology. In the KRELLtradition, the KSL-2'S exceptionalsonic quality sets the standard, creating a new-level of performancevalue.
To obtain the best performance.fromyour KSL-2,careful attention sh.ould be paid to its placement,installation and operation. Athor_oughunderstandingof these detail.s will helpinsuresatista.ctory operationandlong life for tlae KSL-2and related system components.
This Owner'sReferenceis divided into several sections, each designed to performa different function. As you
.read through the.Ow.ner'sReferenceyou will beco.me t)et.ter acquaintedwitt~ the features andfunctionsttmt makethe KSL-2a superb value. A Question and Answer section is included where answers to commonquestions are provided. Shouldyou have any questions or sugges- tioffs please feel free to contact yourauthorizeddealer or the KRELLstaff for assistance.
In the unlikely event that your .KSL-2.shouldrequire service, youwill be pleasedto _lgaowtlaat it is backedby_a
c.ompreliensive Customer5atistaction policy and one of the mostadvancedservic.e facilities in the industry._l~or detailed informationon tt~e terms and conditions ot ser-
vice, please consult your warrantyreg!stration card, or your authorized KRELLDealer/Distnt)utor.