Q. WhenI turn up the volumeon the KSL-2a loud hum is present fromtlie loudspeakers.Whatcould it be?
A. Humcan be caused by several different disturbances. Checkto makesure all of the cables in and out of the KSL-2are sound and makingproper contact. Makesure
there are_no powersupplies or huminducing components on top o~ or directly belowthe KSL-2.
Youalso could be experiencing a groundloop in the system. Aground loop can be ca.used whe.n several. componentswith diffgrent groundpotentials are in.tlae system. Groundloops can often be easily correctefl. Consu.lt your dealer or KRELLfor system grounaing considerations.
Q. Canthe KSL-2be used to control morethan one system?
A. Yes, the KSL-2has both single-ended and balanced outputs that can be used simultaneouslyto control two seperate systems.
Q. WhenI select the B 1 !nput. on the KSL-2,on.e channel seemsto haveless gain tlaan tlae other. Is something wrong with the preamp?
A. Morethan likely there is not a problemwith the KSL-2The.balancedinput or ou.tpu, t internal cable termi- nationscouldbe incorrect. Switclatlae suspectc.abl.e to the other channeland vice versa to determinewlaetlaer a cable is defective. If the problemswitchesto the other channel,it is a defective cable. If the problemdoes not moveto the other channel and remains the sameafter cables have been.switched,check the wiring at the input
of the KS.L-2witla the sameprocess. If it is not cable or source related call your dealer or KRELL.
Checkto makesure the balance control is in the fully upright position.