Operator's Manual
CS3814, CS3816, CS4116 Chainsaws
Bar and Chain Oil | ENGINE maintenance |
The saw is equipped with an adjustable chain oiler. The oil pump, driven by the drive sprocket, will only pump oil when the engine is running at high enough speeds to engage the clutch and rotate the chain. Furthermore, the flow of oil is adjustable to accommodate variations in chain oil due to temperature.
To adjust the oil pump, insert a screwdriver in the small notch beneath the clutch and drive sprocket. To increase the flow of oil, turn the screwdriver
The guide bar and saw chain need to be well lubricated during operation to prevent permanent damage from friction and heat. Be sure to check the oil supply to the bar and chain before use.
1.After starting the engine, hold the saw up with the chain suspended in front of or above a test surface.
2.Run the engine at about half throttle.
3.Oil should be flung off of the rotating chain onto the test surface.
If the saw chain seems dry, but there is some oil present on the bar or test surface, the oil pump may be set too low. Increase the setting by turning the adjustment screw
Reassemble and retest for oil presence. If no oil is present after adjusting the oiler setting and cleaning the oiler port, the oil pump may not be functioning. Discontinue use of the unit and contact your local authorized service center or customer service for assistance.
In compliance with EPA regulations, any adjustments to the carburetor must be made by an authorized service center. An authorized service center is capable of troubleshooting carburetor problems, adjusting carburetors to perform correctly, and adjusting carburetors to compensate for altitude.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Carburetor is set at factory. Further adjustmentmustbeperformedbyanauthorizedservicecenter. Contactcustomerserviceforalistofauthorizedservicecenters.
Cooling Fins
Cooling fins, air inlets, and linkages must be free from any debris before each use.
Air Filter
Never run engine without air cleaner properly installed. Added wear and engine failure may occur if air cleaner is not installed on engine.
Service air cleaner every 3 months or after 20 hours of operation. Clean filter daily in extremely dusty conditions.
Steps for Cleaning Air Filter
1.Remove the air cleaner cover by turning the thumb screw on top of the power unit
2.To remove the filter, lift the filter element off of the threaded stud.
3.Larger surface dust and dirt particles can be removed from the filter elementbylightlytappingacornerofthefilteragainstahardsurface.
4.To clean finer dust trapped in the mesh screens, split the filter by inserting a flat screwdriver between the dogs on one corner of the filter element and twisting.
5.Using an air compressor at a low pressure or a
6.Press the two filter halves back together by squeezing around the rim. Do not place pressure on the mesh or a puncture could occur.
7.Place the filter back over the threaded rod, making sure to seat the filter on the
8.Place the air cleaner cover back on the saw body and turn the thumb screw clockwise until finger tight.
Spark Plug
The recommended spark plug is a NGK BPM6A, Champion CJ7Y, or Torch L7TC.
Steps for Removing the Spark Plug
1.Remove the air cleaner cover by turning the thumb screw on top of the power unit
2.Disconnect the spark plug cap and clean any debris from around the spark plug area.
3.Remove spark plug using
4.After analysis, seat spark plug and turn by hand until finger tight.
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