ThisKrell producthasa limited warrantyof five yearsfor parts.andlaboroncircuitry. Shouldthis productfail to per- format anytimeduringthewarranty,Krell will repairit at nocostto the owner,exceptasset forth in this warranty.
Thewarrantydoesnot apply to damagecausedby acts of Godor nature.
Thewarrantyonthis pageshall bein lieu of anyotherwar- ranty, expressedor implied,including,but not limited to, anyimpliedwarrantyof memhantabilityorfitness for a par- ticular purpose.Thereare no warrantieswhichexceed beyondthosedescribedin this documentIf. this product doesnot performas warrantedherein, the owner'ssole remedyshall berepair. In noeventwill Krell beliable for incidental or consequentialdamagesarising from pur-
chase,use,or inability to usethis product,evenif Krell has beenadvisedof the possibility of suchdamages.
Proofof pumhaseinthe formof a bill of saleor receipted invoicesubstantiatingthat the unit is withinthe warranty periodmustbepresentedto obtainwarrantyservice. The warrantybeginsonthe dateof retail pumhase, noted onthe bill of saleor receiptedinvoicefromanauthorized Kreildealeror distributor.
Thewarrantyfor Krell productsis validonlyin thecountryto whichthey wereoriginally shipped,throughthe authorized Krell distributorfor that country,andat thefactory.There mayberestrictions on or changesto Krell's warranty becauseof regulationswithin a specific country.Please checkwithyourdistributor for a completeunderstandingof the warrantyin yourcountry.
If a unit is servicedbya distributorwhodid not importthe unit, theremaybea chargefor service,evenif the product is withint_hewarren~period.
Freightto the factoryis yourresponsibility.Returnfreight withintheUnitedStates(U.S.A.)is includedin thewarranty. If youpurchasedyourKrell productoutsidethe U.S.A.and wishto haveit servicedat thefactory,all freightandassoci- ated chargesto the factory are your responsibility.
Krell will payreturnfreightto the
.Krell is notrespon_s!blefor anydamageincurredin transit. Krell will file clbimsfor damagesasnecessaryfor unitsdam- agedin transitto the factory.Youareresponsiblefor filing claimsfor shippingdamagesduringthe returnshipment.
Krell doesnot.supplyreplacementpartsand/orproductst~ the ownerof the unit. Replacementparts and/orproducts will befurnishedonlyto thedistributorperformingserviceon this 'unit onanexchangebasisonly;anypartsand/orprod- uctsretumedto Krell for exchangebecomethe propertyof Krell.
Noexpressedor impliedwarrantyis madefor anyKrell productdamagedby accident, abuse,misuse,natural or personaldisaster,or unauthorizedmodification.
Anyunauthorizedvoltage conversion, disassembly, componentreplacement, perforation of chassis, updates,or modificationsperformedto the unit will void the warranty.
Theoperatingvoltageof this unit is determinedbythefac- tory andcanonlybechangedbyanauthorizedKrell distrib- utor or at the factory. Thevoltagefor this productin the U.S.Acannot.bechangeduntil six monthsfromthe original pumhasedate.
In theeventthat Krell receivesa productfor warrantyser- vicethat hasbeenmodifiedin anywaywithoutKrell autho- rization,all warrantiesonthat productwill bevoid.Theprod-
uctwill bereturnedto odginalfactorylayoutspecifications the owner'sexpensebeforeit is repaired.All repairs requiredafter the producthasbeenretumedto odginalfac- tory specificationswill bechargedto the customer,at cur- rentpartsandlaborrates.
All operationalfeatures,functions,andspecificationsand policiesaresubjectto changewithoutnotification.
To register your product for warranty benefits, please complete and return the Warranty Registration Card enclosed in the shipping box within 15 days of purchase. Thankyou.
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