Operatingthe HomeTheater Standard
After the HomeTheaterStandardis connectedto sourcedevicesandamplifiers, and systemsetupconfigured,the HomeTheater.Standardis readyfor operation.
1.Insert the ACpowercord into the IECpowerconnector(55) on the HomeTheater StandardInsert. the_otherendinto the ACwall receptacle.
2.Movethe backpanelpowerswitch (54) into the up (on) position.
3.Thered powerLEDon the front panelilluminates. ThewordsPLEASEWAIT, INITIALIZINGappearin the front paneldisplay(22). Whenthe initializing message disappears,the HomeTheaterStandardis readyfor operation.
4.Useeither the front panelpowerbutton(1) or the remotecontrol HTSkey(57) poweron the HomeTheaterStandard.Theblue powerLED(2) on the front panel illuminates. TheHomeTheaterStandardis nowin operationalmode.
5.Toreturn to
Kre/I recommendsthat the backpane/powerswitchremainup (on) at aft times.
TheHomeTheater.Standardhasa discrete tape input andoutput. Thetapeoutput is usedto senda
1.Usethe tapeinput to comparethe outputsignal of a
Pressa devicekey a secondtime, after the devicehasbeenselected,to changethe tape outputsourcebusto the currently selectedzone.Tapeout cancomefromthe mainzoneor zone2.
2.Usethe tape output to create a processorloop, whenthe HomeTheaterStandardis connectedto a graphicequalizeror other ancillary equipmentConnect.the equipmentto the HomeTheaterStandardtape outputs(36) as describedin the equipmentmanufacturer'smanual.Pressthe tape button(14) or key(69) to switch betweenthe processoroutput (LEDilluminated) andthe input source(LED illuminated).
Thetapeoutputfunctionsonly with ana/ogsources.
50 | Krell HomeTheaterStandard |