Back Panel Description, continued
48 ComponentVideo Outputs
TheHomeTheaterStandardis equippedwith oneset of componentvideo outputs with RCAconnectors.Componentvideo usesthree wires (labeled Y, Cr, andCbon back panel)to conveythe videosignal, includingthe OSD.
49 ComponentVideo Inputs
TheHomeTheater$.t.a. ndardis equipped~withtwosetsof componentvideoinputs.
Remote Control |
50 | " |
TheHomeTheaterStandardis equippedwith an
51 PHASTLink Out and In Connectors
TheHomeTheaterStandardis equippedwith PHAS~Link connectors,whichare the interfaces for connectingthe HomeTheaterStandardto a PHASTLandmarksystem.
ThePHASTLink connectionsprovide seamlessintegration of the HomeTheater
Standardwithin a PHASTsystem~ | ,~ |
52 RC-5In
53 12 VDCin andOut
The12 VDCoutputsendsa 12 Volt poweron/off signal to other Krell componentsvia a 12V trigger cable,as well as to otherdevicesthat incorporate12Volt poweron/off trigger input. TheHomeTheaterStandardhasfour programmable12 Volt outputs: Out1,Out2,Out3,andOut4;oneinput is available.
54 BackPanel PowerSwitch
Usethis switchto changethe HomeTheaterStandardfromoff to
55 IEC Connector
TheHomeTheaterStandardis equippedwith a standardfemaleIECpowerconnector, for usewith the ACpowercord.
Krell HomeTheaterStandard | 15 |