CPlant Your Garden
If you are planting…
Herbs or Flowers* - arrange Seed Pods by plant height (see “Plan Your Garden Layout” on page 5).
Tomatoes or Peppers
Green Beans, Salad Greens or Live Plants - place Seed/Plant Pods anywhere in Grow Surface.
Master Gardener Kit* - arrange Pods in Grow Surface according to plant height.
Create a Custom Garden – combine two 3-pod Seed Kits.
Important guidelines to consider when combining Seed Kits…
•Only combine kits from the same Series, e.g., flower with flower, herb with herb, etc.
•Consider plant height when combining Seed Pods from two
•When planting – use BOTH Starting Nutrients (two tablets) from each
•All Other Feedings – use TWO Growing Nutrients (two tablets) from each Seed Kit until they are gone.
Plant your AeroGarden. Check to see that…
•A Seed/Plant Pod or Plant Spacer is in each
Grow Surface opening.
•Seed Pod Labels are facing forward.
•Seed Pods are pressed firmly in place.
Seed Pod | Grow Surface |

Seed Kit Tray