SON ITA IMITLD NA SON ITP EEXC 4:ON ITC ES | following:the fromresulting fectsde otinapplicable beshall warrantyThis | t,rus moisture,abrasives, dirt,fuel, staleincluding neglect,and negligencemisuse, abuse,(1)Accident, | habits;eus orstorage rrectinco otue dno reactieadvers anyor corrosion, | -instruc ormanual erator’sOwner’s/Op thewith accordancein unitthe Husqvarna; maintainor byshed operateto furnisheet re(2)Failu tion | -er applicable pproduct’s any theaffects withcomply or product ot failto he product tof useintended het het causesro nge durability, chathat or tions safety, camodifi operation, ro(3)Alterations formance, | or:laws; | .eabov theof anyafter occurringuse uedcontin todue componentsor rtspa ote damag(4)Additional | OF CONSEQUENTIAL EXCEPT -MERCHANTABIL REMEDYEXCLUSIVE OR PRODUCTS OF THE INCIDENTAL THESE WARRANTY ISWARRANTY ANY ONWARRANTY IMPLIED THIS FOR IMPLIED ANY UNDER LIABLEBE .LAW NOT OR APPLICABLE PROVIDED HALL EXPRESS AS SHUSQVARNA ANYOF BYPROHIBITED ACEMENTREPL .ER BREACHFOR EXTENT ORREPAIR CHASPUR DAMAGES THE THE TO | TODURATION INLIMITED ISPRODUCTS THESEON PURPOSEPARTICULAR AFOR FITNESSOR ITY | -RE HUSQVARNA.NT STATEMEWARRANTY LIMITEDTHE INDEFINED ASPERIOD WARRANTYTHE | TICE,NO WITHOUTPRODUCT THEOF DESIGNTHE IMPROVEOR CHANGETO RIGHTTHE SERVES | .UCTS RODP MANUFACTUREDYPREVIOUSL UPDATETO ATIONOBLIG ASSUMENOT SDOE AND | longhow onmitations lior damages,consequential orincidental ofnexclusio theallow notdo statesSome | givesnty warraThis .you toapply notmay exclusionsro mitationsliabove theso lasts,warranty iedmpl ian | .state tostate fromvary whichrights otherhave alsomay youand rights,legal cfiic esp you | SIEIT ILIBS ONPS ER REM OTS UC 5:ON ITC ES | writtenas pee upkgeneral andstorage operation,ce, anmainten care,reasonable exhibitmust productThe | occur,failure orproblem operationalan houldS. manual’sner’s/Operator Owthe oftion ces nceamainten eth in | Proof.on tiua evalfor dealerHusqvarna authorizedan tois asdelivered butused, benot shouldproduct the | .customer thewith solelyrests 6,ection sin explainedas purchase,of | IONTA REID SCON YTN ARR AW INTA BO TOER UDE OCRP 6:ON ITC ES | properlyis Cardation trisReg Warrantythe thatcertain maketo responsibilityDealer’s andOwner’s theis It | days(10) tenwithin mailedbe dshoul cardThis .ny CompaGarden &rest FoHusqvarna tomailed andout lledfi | .service sale-post facilitateto andnty warrathe rmconfi toorder inpurchase ofate dhe tfrom | .items displayand oolstchains, andbars includingssoriesaccerts,pamentReplaceWarranty:Day30 | -ser address rranty and waobtain ame to ncomplete orderin and dealerHusqvarna number,al authorized erisnumber, theto modelpurchased, entedpres date bemust include purchase must . proof erdeal ofProof This. sellingthe vice of | -au anto ivereddel bemust veecti defbe toved belietproduc thewarranty, thisof tbenefi theobtain To | ationaler arecharges opthe delivery ofdate and from up days -Pick (30) .expense hirtyt owner’s ntha laterno theat manner,timely deliveredbe ain mustproduct dealerHusqvarna The. failureor thorized problem | “Yellowthe throughlocated normallybe caner dealHusqvarna authorizednA .warranty thisby coverednot | .aare yourin dealera forHUSKY62 -800 -1g callinby ordirectory telephonelocal theof Pages” | ANR AVQ SUH | oadR lleviates tS7349 | 28269C Ne, ottharl C | 0220 23-81 83531 |
YTNRARWADEMITLI1:ONTICES | -pur ginalori theto productHusqvarna warrants(“Husqvarna”)CompanyGarden&ForestHusqvarna | “Warrantythe forpurchase ofdate thefrom kmanshipworandalmateriindefectsfromfreebetochaser | below:forthetsasproducttheofPeriod” | Warranty:eLifetimprodheld | Behinds)-Walk CommercialandRidersTurnZero(onSpindlesWarranty:Year3 | areawide riders,turn zero— EquipmentrfTuHusqvarnaWarranty:COMMERCIAL aliCommerc-Year2 | .equipmentcommercialgengagingroundndawalks, | tractors, ld for handhe . garden blowers, temssys statedherein and tionec as yards, snowsaws, collassist exceptuse, mower - g power producing lawnRidingCOMMERCIAL clearinbrushcutters, andproducts nonincomenoninstitutionalnonprofessional, Mower,cAutomatiWarranty:-NONYear2s,ertrimmsaws,chainllers,timowers,behindwalk tricaleceltrimmers,hedgeblowers,backpackblowers, oral,cimercomnon | gulations,re EPAand II-TIER -CARB withcomplycomponentsEmission toessarycnesystemcontrol | -manu engineparty hirdtby turedmanufac systemsengineofpartarewhichcomponentsethosforexcept | atsupplied informationproduct hwit warrantyeparateasreceivedhaspurchaserthewhichforfacturers | .purchaseofmeti | -pro -non commercial,-non forsaws poleand prunerspolegrinder,tumpscutters,PowerWarranty:Year1 | -hover saws,clearing brushcutters,trimmers, All.useproducingincome-nonoronalutititsin-nonfessional, | collectionassist . eus -power orpurposes trimmers, producing ehedg blowers,heldhandblowers,backpackedgers,sticktrimmers,ing incomeorprofessionalonal,tistituincommercial,forusedsystems | .months 6rst fithe gdurin replacement100% withwarrantymitedliproratedyear-oneahaveiesBatter | -prun polesaws, poleders, grinstump s,cutterpowersaws,ChainMower,AutomaticWarranty:Day90 | anyor equipmentftur commercialand mowersbehind-walk600&580seriesmodelers,thrownowsers, | useor purposesproducing incomeor onal,ofessiinstitutional,Husqvarna rpercial,commforusedproduct | .hereinprovidedwieserothasexcept | purchase -Prod original .warranty customer’s under theof coveredtno date isabuse thefromwarrantycarriesApparelHusqvarna ortearNormalworkmanshipmaterialdefects day-90aetyfSawear,.andinfor | mustons instructimaintenance andcare All.formwarrantyCharlotte claimawithtournedretbemustuct | notsi apparel/bootprotective theof tfiThe .labelmanufacturerfollowed caretheonthebystatedasbe | .warrantyundercovered | YTN ARR AW EHT RED NU SIONTIGALOB’SARNAVQSUH2:ONTCES I | componenta iflabor rorts . pafor eriodp charge nty withoutcomponentsdefectivereplacerepairwillHusqvarna warratheduringkmanshipwormaterialectbecausefails or orinfdeaof | YTN ARR AW ISHTCOVNOTMSON BYDREEEIT3:TICES | warranty:thisbycoverednotareitemsingfollowThe | butincluding, sawsprings, use,regular rewindlubricants, normalthrough bars,guide wornbecomewhichitemsmaintenanccustomerrmal(1)No ters,lbulbs,adapters,bladeblades,belts,mitednot e fito, li | tines;andropesstarterplugs,sparkchain, | respectivethe bycovered areitems ultravioletlight;duetomaterialofdiscolorationtural(2)Na theseHusqvarna;bymanufacturedotnsystemsdriveand(3)Engine | -pur oftime theat suppliedinformation productthewithgwritininprovidedaswarrantyturer’smanufac | -war regulations forclaims EPA allwarranty, and a II-TIER gives -CARB ; ch with rermanufactuappropriate whipartyattachments manufac complynecessarycomponents(5)Emissi .manufacturermanufactured thetosentbemustclaimsallchase; irdthabycoveredaregardenandn(4)Law andturer;thetosentebshouldranty otSystemControlon enginepartythirdbyarewhich |