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  4. Printer
  5. Canon
  6. Computer Equipment
  7. Printer
  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Photography
  4. Camcorder
  5. Canon
  6. Photography
  7. Camcorder

Canon 10, 20 - page 66

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Using the Full Range
of Features
.Press the ON/OFF button.
MANUAL: Images will be captured each time you press the ON/OFF button. The blue
frame indicating the next sequence disappears after the last image. To cancel the last
captured image, press and hold the ON/OFF button. To cancel the multi-image screen,
press and release the ON/OFF button.
•FAST, MODERATE, SLOW: The set number of images will be captured at the set speed.
To cancel the multi-image screen, press the ON/OFF button.
.Press the start/stop button begin recording.
The multi-image screen is recorded on the tape.
The multi-image screen can be operated in record or record pause mode.
You can operate the multi-image screen only in the following playback modes:
-When [S.SPEED] is set to [MANUAL]: Playback pause, slow forward/reverse
-When [S.SPEED] is set to [FAST], [MOD.] or [SLOW]: Playback pause
The multi-image screen cannot be operated in Night and Super Night
(OPTURA20) mode.
The multi-image screen cannot be selected when Card Mix is activated.
In PLAY (VCR) mode: Pressing any tape operation button (such as play or
pause), or performing date/photo search cancels the multi-image screen.

