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  6. Photography
  7. Digital Camera

Canon manual 164


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Download on canonical page 180 pages, 4.81 Mb

Troubleshooting Guide

The image is out of focus.

The lens focus mode switch is set to <MF>.

XSet the lens focus mode switch to <AF>. (p.27)

Camera shake occurred when you pressed the shutter button.

XTo prevent camera shake, hold the camera still and press the shutter button gently. (p.30, 44)

The CF card cannot be used.

[Err **] is displayed on the LCD panel.

XIf it is [Err CF], see page 120.

XIf it is [Err 02], see page 165.

You are using a non-Canon CF card.

XUsing Canon CF cards is recommended. (p.167)

Image Review & Operation

The image cannot be erased.

The image is erase-protected.

XCancel the protection. (p.117)

The wrong shooting date and time is displayed.

The correct date and time has not been set.

XSet the correct date and time. (p.40)

No image appears on the TV screen.

Video cable plugs are not inserted all the way.

XInsert the video cable plugs firmly all the way. (p.116)

The correct video format (NTSC or PAL) has not been set.

XSet the camera to the correct video format to match the TV set. (p.36)

You are not using the video cable that came with the camera.

XUse the video cable that came with the camera. (p.116)



