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Samsung MZ-7KM480 -O [--over-provision]

MZ-7KM120E, MZ-7KM120Z, MZ-7KM1T9E, MZ-7KM240E, MZ-7KM240Z, MZ-7KM480E, MZ-7KM480Z, MZ-7KM960E, MZ-7KM960Z, MZ-7LM120E, MZ-7LM120Z, MZ-7LM1T9E, MZ-7LM240E, MZ-7LM240Z, MZ-7LM3T8E, MZ-7LM3T8Z, MZ-7LM480E, MZ-7LM480Z, MZ-7LM960E, MZ-7LM960Z

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Samsung SSD Magician DC 25

-O [--over-provision]

Set the SSD’s overprovision (= OP) area size to the given value.


-q [--query]: Displays OP information of the selected SSD.

-s [--set]: Sets the OP value either in MB or GB or % of total disk space.


-c [--clear]: Clears the current OP value on the last partition of the disk.

Used with:

--disk [or] -d




magician --disk 1 --over-provision --query


magician --disk 1 --over-provision --set 1024MB


magician --disk 1 --over-provision --set 4GB


magician --disk 1 --over-provision --set 10%


magician --disk 1 --over-provision --set


magician --disk 1 --over-provision --clear



magician -d 1 -O -q


magician -d 1 -O -s 1024MB


magician -d 1 -O -s 4GB


magician -d 1 -O -s 10%


magician -d 1 -O -s


magician -d 1 -O -c



Note: If no argument is given for --set option, the application will perform Over-Provisioning with default value, 10%. -O short switch can also be used for –over-provision. Short switches for --query, --set and --clear are -q, -s and -c respectively.

The values (1024MB, 4GB and 10%) used above are for illustration purpose only.

Overprovisioning on Windows Example


Display value








Current OP

Capacity of total current OP area, each partition

Unallocated space size


reserved by file system. User can only modify



of selected disk



the reserved area of the last partition



(247 GB)





Recommended OP

Capacity of recommended OP area, 10% of

447 GB * 10% = 48


device size









Minimum value of either:

Min(447 GB * 50% = 228


Maximum OP

- 50% of total capacity


GB, 247 GB + shrinkable)



- Maximum shrinkable area



=> 228GB



*Increasing OP value greater than 50% of






the SSD density will not have further




performance benefit beyond the 50%.




Therefore, Magician tool supports allocating




the OP only up to 50% of the SSD.















