Samsung SSD Magician DC
Known Issues
Known Issues Specific to Linux
•Trim command supports only the ext4 file system.
•Set Max Address and Secure Erase require a power cycle of SSD
•Set Max Address may not work on some Ubuntu distributions due to libATA restrictions
•The following operations are supported for SSDs when connected through the LSI HBA cards. LSI HBA latest bios using is recommended for proper operation:
List, Firmware Update, Secure Erase, SMART, Set Max, Set Feature, SCT Cache State, Disk Information, Command History, and help features only.
•Trim and
•The following operations are strongly recommended for RAID reconfiguration after command sending because of RAID information broken.
Firmware Update, Secure Erase, Set Max
Known Issues Specific to Windows
•Trim command supports only the NTFS file system and after Windows Server 2008.
•Set Max Address and Secure Erase require a power cycle of SSD.
•Secure Erase may not work on some Windows Server 2012 R2 due to ATA command restrictions.
•The following operations are supported for SSDs when connected through the LSI HBA cards. LSI HBA latest bios using is recommended for proper operation:
List, Firmware Update, Secure Erase, SMART, Set Max, Write Cache, SCT Cache State, Disk Information, Command History, Vendor Utility, and help features only.
•The following operations are strongly recommended for RAID reconfiguration after command sending because of RAID information broken.
Firmware Update, Secure Erase, Set Max
•FW update feature used on OS disk may result in undefined behavior. So, OS re boot is strongly recommended immediately after FW update to OS disk.