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Samsung SCC-B1011P external cctv camera installation, 300Φ, Diameter :, The surface, 100Ω or less, 2008-04-30 오후, 3D-B1311-EU.indb4, Ground resistance:, Higher than 3 meters

SCC-B1011P/TRK, SCC-B1311N, SCC-B1311P, SCC-B1011P, SCC-B1331P

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external cctv camera installation

1Installing the lightening conductor and grounding system. Separate grounding system.

2Installing the camera and grounding system.

Grounding wire to a good earth ground (100Ω or less. ground resistance.) (Class 3)

3The class 3. (Camera grounding)

Separate grounding system from the lightening conductor.

The surfaceDiameter :


Treating the raw materials that reduce theHigher than 0.75 meter
ground resistance around the ground rods.

The height of the ground rod:

Ground resistance:Higher than 3 meters.
100Ω or less.(One meter by maximum.)
< Construction of the ground rod >


3D-B1311-EU.indb 4

2008-04-30 오후


