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Samsung SM-R382 Power off, Restart, Reset device, Restart, Settings, Settings, Settings, Settings, Settings, Settings, Power off, Reset device


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Power off

Use this option to turn off the Gear.

Access Settings using a voice command on the voice recognition screen or use the screen tap method to open the Menu screen.

On the Menu screen, tap Settings Power off. Then, tap when a confirmation message appears.


Use this option to restart the Gear when it malfunctions.

Access Settings using a voice command on the voice recognition screen or use the screen tap method to open the Menu screen.

On the Menu screen, tap Settings Restart. Then, tap when a confirmation message appears.

Reset device

Use this option to reset the Gear. The Gear will reset settings to the factory default values and delete all data.

Access Settings using a voice command on the voice recognition screen or use the screen tap method to open the Menu screen.

On the Menu screen, tap Settings Reset device. Then, tap when a confirmation message appears.

When connecting the Gear to another mobile device

If you want to connect the Gear to a newly purchased mobile device or to another mobile device for the first time, reset the Gear. Resetting the Gear will remove the data from the memory. After the reset, you can connect the Gear to a different mobile device.



