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Samsung SM-R382 Your Gear is hot to the touch, Data stored on the Gear has been lost, The battery depletes faster than when first purchased


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The battery depletes faster than when first purchased

When you expose the Gear to very cold or very hot temperatures, the useful charge may be reduced.

Battery consumption increases when you use some features.

The battery is consumable and the useful charge will get shorter over time.

Your Gear is hot to the touch

When you use features that require more power or use features on your Gear for an extended period of time, your Gear may feel hot to the touch. This is normal and should not affect your Gear’s lifespan or performance.

A connection is not established when you connect the Gear to a computer

Ensure that the USB cable you are using is compatible with your Gear.

Ensure that you have the proper driver installed and updated on your computer.

If you are a Windows XP user, ensure that you have Windows XP Service Pack 3 or higher installed on your computer.

Ensure that you have Samsung Kies installed on your computer.

Data stored on the Gear has been lost

Always make backup copies of all important data stored on the Gear. Otherwise, you cannot restore data if it is corrupted or lost. Samsung is not responsible for the loss of data stored on the Gear.

A small gap appears around the outside of the Gear case

This gap is a necessary manufacturing feature and some minor rocking or vibration of parts may occur.

Over time, friction between parts may cause this gap to expand slightly.



