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Samsung SM-R382 Email, Sending messages, Viewing messages, Making calls via the connected mobile device, Call, Call, Reply, Reply, Archive, Archive, Open on phone


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Useful features

Making calls via the connected mobile device

To call the sender of a received message, open the message peek card, scroll left to Call, and then tap Call.

You cannot directly call numbers using the Gear.

Sending messages

On the voice recognition screen, say a contact’s name and enter a message using the voice recognition feature.

For example, say“Eve, see you later.”


Use this feature to view and reply to emails received on the connected mobile device via the Google Mail service.

Viewing messages

When a new message is received, a peek card appears on the Home screen. Drag the peek card upwards.

To label the message as important, scroll left to Archive, and then tap Archive.

To view the message on the connected mobile device, scroll left to Open on phone, and then tap Open on phone.

Replying to messages

On an email peek card, scroll left to Reply, and then tap Reply.



