Uniden EXA2950 manuals
Communications > Cordless Telephone
When we buy new device such as Uniden EXA2950 we often through away most of the documentation but the warranty.
Very often issues with Uniden EXA2950 begin only after the warranty period ends and you may want to find how to repair it or just do some service work.
Even oftener it is hard to remember what does each function in Cordless Telephone Uniden EXA2950 is responsible for and what options to choose for expected result.
Fortunately you can find all manuals for Cordless Telephone on our side using links below.
48 pages 2.43 Mb
AAuuttooTTaallkk BBee ssuurree ttoo vviissiitt oouurr wweebb ssiittee:: wwwwww..uunniiddeenn..ccoommAAuuttooSSttaannddbbyy AAuuttooSSeeccuurree RRaannddoomm CCooddee UUllttrraaCClleeaarr PPlluuss AutoTalk 2 Welcome Features 3 Contents4 Controls and FunctionsAAbboouutt tthhee ddiiggiittaall sseeccuurriittyy ccooddee 6 Read this FirstSStteepp 11((ppaaggee 55)) SStteepp 22((ppaaggee 66)) SStteepp 33((ppaaggee 77 ttoo 1122)) SStteepp 44((ppaaggee 2211 ttoo 2277)) 7 Checking the Package ContentsAAllssoo iinncclluuddeedd:: 8 Setting up the PhoneDDoo tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg sstteeppss:: SSeettttiinngg tthhee hhaannddsseett rreettaaiinneerr cclliipp ffoorr wwaallll mmoouunnttiinngg 13 Mounting the Base Unit on a Wall15 Making and Receiving CallsHHaannddsseett OOnn BBaassee HHaannddsseett OOffff BBaassee 16 Adjusting the Handset Ringer and Earpiece VolumeRRiinnggeerr ttoonnee aanndd vvoolluummee EEaarrppiieeccee vvoolluummee Adjusting the Base RingerBBaassee uunniitt rriinnggeerrsseelleeccttiioonnss Terminology 17 RedialTone Dialing Switch-over * Traveling Out-of-Range 18 Flash and Call WaitingPage Selecting a Different Channel 19 Storing a Phone Number in Memory20 Dialing a Stored NumberUUssiinngg tthhee mmeemmoorryy llooccaattiioonn ffeeaattuurreess OOnnee--ttoouucchh pprriioorriittyy ddiiaalliinngg 21 Chain DialingErasing a Stored Number from Memory 22 The Integrated Answering DeviceFeatures 23 Setting up your Answering SystemTurning the Answering System On/Off 30 Using your Answering System36 Changing the Digital Security Code37 Note on Power SourcesMaintenance 38 Troubleshooting41 General InformationAACC AAddaapptteerr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn BBaatttteerryy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn 42 Technical Information44 IndexA, B C D E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L M, N, O, P, Q R S T, U V, W, X, Y, Z 45 Remote Operation CardREMOTE OPERATION CARDRReemmoottee aacccceessss aawwaayy ffrroomm hhoommee TTuurrnn oonn tthhee aannsswweerriinngg ssyysstteemm rreemmootteellyy 46 Remote Operation Card
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