This cordless telephone must be set up before use. Follow these s teps:
[ 4 ]
AAbboouutt tthhee ddiiggiittaall sseeccuurriittyy ccooddee
This cordless telephone uses a digital
security code to prevent unauthorized
access to your base unit. This security
code prevents other cordless handsets
from making calls through your base unit.
A random security code will be assigned
automatically between your base unit and
handset when you charge the battery pack
for the first time.
If you want to reset the security code,
see page 34.
Read this FirstSStteepp 11((ppaaggee 55))
Unpack the telephone and accessories.
SStteepp 22((ppaaggee 66))
Next, choose the best location
to set up the base unit.
SStteepp 33((ppaaggee 77 ttoo 1122))
Then, insert the battery pack
into the handset. Connect the
base unit. You must charge the
battery pack for 1122--1155 hhoouurrss
bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee
tteelleepphhoonnee lliinnee aanndd uussiinngg tthhee
SStteepp 44((ppaaggee 2211 ttoo 2277))
Finally, set up your answering system.