Computer Equipment
Network Router
Computer Equipment
Network Router
ICE D-20 EC506 manual
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2007.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Product Description
1.1.2 Features
1.2 System Description
1.2.1 Appearance
1.2.2 Description of Hardware Specification
1.2.3 Description of the Buttons and Indicators
1.2.4 Interface Attributes
Chapter 2 Installation and Startup of D-20
2.1 Preparation
2.1.1 Checking the Packing List
2.1.2 Basic Installation Principles
2.2 Introduction to the Install Procedure
2.2.1 Connecting to the Power
2.2.2 Connecting to PC
2.3 Introduction to the Computer Configuration
2.4 Introduction to Program Startup
2.4.1 Starting the Program
2.4.2 Introduction to the Configuration Page
I. The Configuration Page
II. The Operation navigation Area
Chapter 3 Query and Configuration of D-20
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Querying the Status
3.2.1 Querying the Configuration Information of LAN
3.2.2 Querying the Configuration Information of WAN
3.2.3 Querying the Statistics Information
3.2.4 Querying the Version
3.3 Configuring Parameters
3.3.1 Configuring LAN
I. Entering the configuration page of LAN
II. Description of LAN parameters
3.3.2 Configuring WLAN
I. Entering the WLAN Setting page
II. Description of WLAN basic parameters
3.3.3 Configuring WLAN Security
I. Entering the WLAN Security Setting page
II. WLAN Security Parameter Description
3.3.4 Advanced Configuration of WLAN
I. Entering the WLAN Advanced Setting page
II. WLAN Advanced Setting Parameter Description
3.3.5 Configuring WAN
I. Configuring the parameters of WAN connection
II. Parameter Description of WAN
3.3.6 Managing the System
I. Managing the User and Password
II. Upgrading the Software
III. Restoring the Default Settings
IV. Rebooting D-20
3.4 Networking Example
3.4.1 Demand Analysis
3.4.2 Installing Hardware
3.4.3 Configuring Device
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
4.1 Troubleshooting
4.1.1 The Host in the LAN Cannot Access the Internet
I. Symptom
II. Causes
4.1.2 The Host in the WLAN Cannot Access D-20
I. Symptom
II. Causes
III. Troubleshooting
4.2 FAQ
I. What to do if you forget the administrator password
II. What to do if you forget the IP address of the LAN interface
III. What to do if bridging between two D-20s is unsuccessful
V. What to do if software update failed
Chapter 5 Acronyms and Abbreviations