MSH Switch 1005 on Your Network
MSH Switch 1005 on Your Network

Server Connections

When integrating the Switch 1005 into your network, the following
notes on server connections will ensure that it is operating at
maximum efficiency:
Ideally ...
... any local server should be connected to the Switch 1005 using a
100Mbps port.
If that is not possible ...
... connect the local server to a dedicated 10Mbps port.
If that’s not possible and the local server is connected to a repeated
segment where the traffic is mainly local to that segment ...
... disable Intelligent Flow Management (IFM) on the port to which the
repeater is connected.
Whenever you have multiple workstations connected to a single port of
the Switch 1005, we recommend that you disable IFM on that port.

Network Configuration Examples

The following illustrations show some examples of how the Switch
1005 can be used on your network.