What Does Modem Station
♦ Modem Station provides a simple to use
interface that makes communicating with
your modem even easier.
♦ Modem Station allows you to point and
click your way through configuration.
♦ Modem Station can automatically detect
your modem and provide you with all the
technical information you need, whenever
you need it!
Why Modem Station?
♦ Modem commands can be confusing and
difficult to memorize.
♦ Communications software often needs
technical information about your modem.
♦ You may want to “tweak” your modem for
optimum performance.
♦ You’d rather be surfing the Internet.
Installing Modem Station
If you did not install Modem Station when you
first installed the Connections CD, please
follow these instructions.
1. Insert the Connections CD into your CD-
ROM drive.
2. Double-click the My Computer icon on
your desktop.
3. Double-click the CD-ROM icon.
4. Double-click the USR Tools folder.
5. Double-click the umssetup icon.