Internet Settings 47
Check with your ISP to make sure they support L2TP.
To configure the L2TP connection for your Router:
1Select L2TP and then click Next. The L2TP screen displays (see Figure 28).
Figure 28 Internet Settings - L2TP Screen
2Enter your L2TP server address in the L2TP Server text box.
3Enter your L2TP user name in the User ID text box.
4Enter your L2TP password in the Password text box, and enter it again in
the Retype Password text box.
5Typ e in an Idle Timeout. This is the amount of time you want the L2TP
Server to remain inactive before the session is ended.
Check the Get IP by DHCP check box if you want to obtain the IP
information from a DHCP Server on the network.
With this check box enabled, you can click Release to release the WAN
IP Address for the Router, or click Renew to renew the current WAN IP
Address, using DHCP.
If your ISP has provided you with IP address information, enter the IP
Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway in the text boxes
7Check all of your settings, and then click Apply.