Message — The message contains the log information with text
that is specific to the problem.
Local Logging The Switch maintains 1,000 messages in its internal log. You can
display a snapshot of the log at any given point in time by using the
following command:
show log {<priority>} {<subsystem>}
where the following is true:
priority — Filters the log to display messages with the selected
priority or higher (more critical). Priorities include critical, warning,
and informational. If not specified, informational priority messages
and higher are displayed.
subsystem — Filters the log to display messages associated with
the selected Switch subsystem. Subsystems include Syst, STP, Brdg,
SNMP, Telnet, VLAN, and Port. If not specified, all subsystems are
Real-time Display
In addition to viewing a snapshot of the Switch log, you can configure
the Switch to maintain a running real-time display of log messages on
the console. To turn on the log display, use the following command:
enable log display
To configure the log display, use the following command:
config log display {<priority>} {<subsystem>}
Brdg Bridge-related functionality. Examples include low table
space and queue overflow.
SNMP SNMP information. Examples include community string
Telnet Information related to Telnet logon and configuration
performed by way of a Telnet session.
VLAN VLAN-related configuration information.
Port Port management-related configuration. Examples
include port statistics and errors.
Table 9-3 Fault Log Subsystems
Subsystem Description
SW9000.BK Page 8 Wednesday, April 1, 1998 11:00 AM