Stacking the Switch
and Other Devices Up to four units can be placed on top of one another. If mixing Switch
9000, Switch 3000 FX, Switch 1000, Switch 1200, and other
SuperStack® II hubs, the smaller units must be positioned at the top
using rubber feet.
This section relates only to physically placing the devices on top of each
other. The Switch cannot be used to form a stack. It cannot be linked
to other switches using special expansion cables to form a larger
Apply the pads to the underside of the device by sticking a pad in the
marked area at each corner of the Switch. Place the devices on top of
each other, ensuring that the pads of the upper device line up with the
recesses of the lower device.
Connecting Equipment to the Console Port
Connection to the console port is used for direct local management.
The Switch 9000 console port settings are set as follows:
Baud rate — 9600
Data bits — 8
Stop bit — 1
Parity — None
Flow control — XON/XOFF
The terminal connected to the console port on the Switch must be
configured with the same settings. This procedure will be described in
the documentation supplied with the terminal.
Appropriate cables are available from your local supplier. If you make
your own cables, pin-outs for a DB-9 male console connector are
described in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Console Connector Pin-Outs
Function Pin Number
TXD (transmit data) 3
RXD (receive data) 2
GND (ground) 5
SW9000.BK Page 4 Wednesday, April 1, 1998 11:00 AM