Installation Addendum

For ET 355 Monitor HL

Read and understand all safety information before installing and using this product.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information

About this addendum

This document supplements information in the ET350
Monitor User’s Installation Guide with details tha t perta in
to the 3MDynaproTM ET 355 Monitor HL.
Translations of intended use and
product safety information
Translations of intended use and product safety
information are at the end of this document (starting on
page 8). Definitions of safety symbols that a re used on t he
ET 355 Monitor HL are on page 4 in English and other

Intended Use

The ET 355 Monitor HL (hereafter, ET 355 monitor) is
intended to provide touch screen functions for industrial
applications in hazardous locations when the monit or is
connected to a host computer.
The ET 355 monitor is suitable for use in non-hazardous
locations and also in the following types of hazardous
locations. Using the monitor in locations other than these
will invalidate the warranty and will be solely the user’s
risk and responsibility:
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D hazardous locations;
temperature code T6 (less than or equal to 85°C). Where:
volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases or vapors
exist, but are normally confined within closed containers;
ignitable concentrations of gases, vapors or liq uids are
normally prevented by positive mechanical ventilation;
adjacent to a Class I, Division 1 location, where ignit abl e
concentrations might be occasionally communicated.
Class II, Division 2 , G roups F and G hazardous locations;
temperature code T6 (less than or equal to 85°C). Where:
combustible dust is not normally in the air in ignitabl e
dust accumulations are normally insufficie nt to interfere
with normal operation of electrical equipment;
dust may be in suspension in the air as the result of
infrequent malfunctioning of equipment; or
dust accumula tion may be su fficient to inte rfere with saf e
dissipation of heat or may be ignitable by abnormal
Wiring methods must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods, Article 501-4(b) of the
National Electr ic Code, NFPA 70 for installa tions in the
U.S., or as specif i ed in Section 18-1J2 of the Canadian
Electrical Code for installations within Canada and in
accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Accessory connections must be evaluated in the end
application (i.e. nonincendive circuits).
If there appears to be a conflict between information in the ET
350 Monitor User’s Installation Guide and this Installation
Addendum: ET 355 I ndustrial Monitor HL (for hazardous
locations), this addendum takes precedence.
If there appears to be a conflict between infor m ation in this
addendum and the Installation Addendum for the ET 350 Monitor
with Heater and ET 355 Monitor H L with Heater, the latter takes
For more detailed def initions of hazardous locations, refer to the
UL web site <>.
The ET 355 monitor HL is a component. After the moni tor is
installed in a hazardo us location for whic h it is certified, the wh ole
system or end pro duct of which it is a p art must be inspecte d to
confirm seal ratings and compliance with all e lectrical codes. If
your ET 355 monitor HL come s with th e KVM ext e nder op tion , it
is not necessary to have the KVM local unit evaluated since the
local unit is not to be s ituated in a hazardous lo cation.