3M Touch Systems
3M Optical Systems Division
800 Carleton Court
Annacis Island
New Westminster, BC
Canada V3M 6L3
For more information on 3M touch products, visit
3Mtouch.com or call toll-free 1-800-667-0374.
Worldwide Manufacturing Plants
Methuen, Massachusetts
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vancouver, BC, Canada
© 3M 2003
20070 (Rev. 1.3)
This manual is © 3M 2002. All rights reserved.
Reproduction of the cont ent s of t his cop yrigh te d ma nual in who le
or in part, by any means, elect ronic or mechanical, for any
purpose, without written permission of 3M Touch Systems, a
subsidiary of 3M, is prohibited.
Given the variety of fa ct o rs that can affect the use an d
performance of a 3M Touch Syste ms Produ ct, inc ludin g that so lid
state equipment has operatio n characteristics different from
electromechanical equipment , some of whi ch facto rs ar e uniquel y
within User's knowle dg e and control, it is essential that User
evaluate the 3M Touch Systems product to determine whether it
is suitable for User’s part icular purpose and suitable for U ser’s
method of application. 3MTouch Systems’ statements,
engineering/technical information, and recommendations are
provided for User’s convenience, but their accuracy or
completeness is not warranted. 3M Touch Systems products are
not specifically designe d fo r u se in medi cal devi ces as defi ned by
United States federal law. 3MTouch Systems products should not
be used in such applications wi thout 3MTouch Systems’ express
written consent. User sh ould contact its sales representative if
User’s opportunity involves a m edical device application.
Important notice to purchaser
Specifications are subject to change without notice. 3M Touch
Systems’ Products are warrant ed to meet their published
specifications from the date of shipment and for
the period stated in the speci ficati ons. 3M Touch Sys tems make s
no additional warranties, express or implied, including but
not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose.
User is responsible for determining whether the 3M Touch
Systems Products are fit fo r User ’s pa rticul ar pu rpose and s uitable
for its method of production, including intellectual property
liability for User's application. If a Product is proven not to have
met 3M Touch Systems’ warranty, th en 3M Tou ch Sy stem s’ sol e
obligation and User’s and Purch aser’s ex clusi ve remedy, wil l be ,
at 3M Touch Systems’ option, to repair or replace that Product
quantity or to refund its purch ase pric e. 3M To uch Sys tems ha s no
obligation under 3M Touch Systems’ wa rranty for any Product
that has been modified or damaged thr ough misuse, accident,
neglect, or subsequent ma nufactu ring o peratio ns or assembl ies by
anyone other than 3M Touch Systems. 3M Touch Systems shall
not be liable in any action against it in any way related to the
Products for any loss or damages, whether non-specified
direct, indirect, special, inci dental or consequen tial (inclu ding
downtime, loss of profits or goodwill) regardless of the legal
theory asserted. (11/01)
Januaray 2003
Document Number: 20070 (Rev. 1.3)
3M Dynapro is a trademark of 3M.