Instruction manual GWV 78
Code + description Cause Measures to take Comment
F01 (blocking error)
Defect in power supply
Live and neutral
connected wrong way
Connect live and neutral correctly (3.10 "Electrical connection");
the appliance is phase-sensitive
See the GWV electrical diagram (17 "Appendices")
Condensation on the
flame probe
1. Disconnect the lead at the flame probe
2. Ignite the appliance three times, with an interrupted ionisation
3. Reconnect the ionisation lead to the flame probe
4. Ignite the appliance again
5. The repeated ignition attempts will have caused the
condensation to evaporate
If the error persists, contact your installation engineer
F02 (lock out error)
Fan fails to run at
correct speed.
Damaged wiring 1. Check the wiring between the fan and the controller.
2. If any wires are damaged, the wiring harness must be replaced.
3. Reset appliance controller
See the GWV electrical diagram (17 "Appendices")
To have the wiring replaced and a new fan fitted, you must contact
your installation engineer
Dirty or blocked fan 1. Check if the fan is dirty
2. Check that the rotor can rotate freely
3. Reset appliance controller
Because of a drop in
the supply voltage, the
fan is not running at the
correct speed.
1. Check the supply voltage, this must be 230 VAC (-15%, +10%).
2. Reset appliance controller