ContentsChapter 1: About the VDSL Swit ch-VS2512A 1-1
Overview 1-1
VDSL Technology 1-2
Switch Architecture 1-3
Management Options 1-3
Description of Hardware 1-4
VDSL Switch-VS2512A 1-4
VDSL Splitter-VM2524 and VDSL Splitter-VM2548 1-5
Ethernet-over-VDSL CPE 1-6
Status LEDs 1-7
Optional Media Extender Modules 1-8
Power Supply Receptacle 1-11
Key Features 1-12
Chapter 2: Network Planning 2-1
Introduction to Switching 2-1
Sample Applications 2-1
Internet Connections 2-2
Remote Connections with Fiber Cable 2-2
Making VLAN Connections 2-3
Application Notes 2-4
Chapter 3: Installing the VDSL Switch and Splitter 3-1
Preparing the Site 3-1
Installing Additional Phone Line Equipment 3-1
Equipment Checklist 3-1
Package Contents 3-2
VDSL Switch-VS2512A 3-2
Optional Rack-Mounting Equipment 3-2
Mounting 3-2
Desktop or Shelf Mounting 3-4
Installing an Optional Module into the Switch 3-5
Installing a GBIC Transceiver 3-6
Connecting to the Stack’s Backplane 3-7
Powering On the Switch 3-7
Chapter 4: Making Network Connections 4-1
Twisted-Pair Devices 4-1
Cabling Guidelines 4-1
Connecting to the Punch-down Bl ocks 4-1
Wiring Closet Connections 4-2
Fiber Optic Devices 4-3