AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide 6-15
address if you have changed it). You will see the following prompt:
Manager Console Version: <revision number, build date and time>
Please enter your password:
Enter the current password (which is the same as the browser password) and the
command prompt displays.
Connecting to the CLI Through the Console PortAnother way to invoke the command line interface is to use the console port on the
AcerRouter 700 to connect to a PC running the terminal software. In the box, you’ll
find a null modem cable that you can use to connect your PC (usually the COM2 port)
to the AcerRouter 700 console port.
Connect to the CLI with a terminal program such as Hypercritical or Proclaim. Set
your COM port parameters to 19200, N, 8, 1, with hardware flow control disabled. If
your program does not allow you to set flow control options, set it in the Device
Manager area of the Windows System settings (accessible from the Control Panel).
Note that after configuring these settings, some programs require that you close the
application and re-open it.
Enter a carriage return to start your session, and you’ll see the following prompt:
Manager Console Version: <revision number, build date and time>
Please enter your password:
Enter the current password (which is the same as the browser password) and the
command prompt displays.
For more information about the CLI, see the CLI User’s Guide located on your Acer
Netxus CD-ROM.