OverviewePanel lets you see at a glance the Altos G710 configuration
information. You can view the server’s system information, system
health, system resource utilization, and customize the ePanel based on
your personal requirements and preferences. The configuration
program built into the ePanel allows you configure the network
settings, view general data about the server and power off or restart
the server.
Note: ePanel runs only on Microsoft® Windows® 2000 and
Windows® Server 2003 platform.
ePanel include the following major components:
• ePanel Device Driver
ePanel Device Driver is required for the ePanel Agent to
communicate with the ePanel module. It is necessary to install this
driver to allow the system to recognize the ePanel module.
• ePanel Agent
ePanel Agent requires ePanel Device Driver running otherwise the
configuration program built into the ePanel module cannot
communicate with ePanel Agent. It responds to a request and
query for a server’s system configuration. The ePanel Agent
contains drivers which are necessary for ensuring a graceful
shutdown on the monitored server in the event of an AC power
supply failure.
•ASM Agent
ASM Agent supports ePanel Agent for monitoring the server’s
hardware environment (such as voltage, temperature and fan) for
• Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework is an integral Windows component for
building and running the next generation of software applications
and Web services. The .NET Framework must be installed to a
Windows 2000 platform in order to use the ePanel utility.