Acer easyStore H340 manual Computers & Backup

Models: easyStore H340

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3 Windows Home Server Console

Computers & Backup

You can use the Computers & Backup tab on the Windows Home Server Console to view the home computers connected to the home server and monitor the health status of the home computers and administer backups. After you install Windows Home Server Connector on each of your home computers, they are automatically backed up on each night to your home server.

The options on the Computers & Backup tab allow you to:

View Backups - Browse the existing backups of a home computer.

Backup Now - Initiate manual backup of a home computer.

Configure Backup - Change the backup settings of a home computer.

Remove Computer - Delete computer and backups from the home server.

For more information, see Computers & Backup in the Windows Home Server Console Help.

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Acer easyStore H340 manual Computers & Backup