CounterPath eyeBeam 1.5
Options – Advanced – Audio CodecsThis pane shows all the codecs that are included in the retail version of eyeBeam. You can enable or disable
codecs as desired.
With only one codec enabled, all calls made will use that codec. With more than one codec enabled, eyeBeam
automatically chooses the best codec based on the other party’s capability, the available bandwidth, and
network conditions.
You cannot change the properties of any codecs.
About Codecs
Audio codecs describe the format by which audio streams are compressed for transmission over networks.
Codecs can be categorized as either narrowband or wideband:
• Narrowband codecs work with low bandwidth such as a dialup internet connection. These codecs have a
sampling rate of 8 KHz.
• Wideband codecs work with high bandwidths and result in better audio quality. However, they do not work
with PSTN. These codecs have a sampling rate of 16 KHz.
Supported Codecs
eyeBeam supports a wide range of codecs. See Table5, below.