A secondary function is to move the active/flashing
digit to the right when setting values for the
[Func] or [F]
Selects the Functions of the scale. If the scale is
weighing, it will select parts counting. If it is not in
weighing mode, it will return the user to weighing.
A secondary function (C) is to act as a clear key when
setting values for Parameters.
[Print/M+] or
Sends the results to a PC or a Printer using the RS-
232 interface. It also adds the value to the
accumulation memory if the accumulation function is
not automatic.
A secondary function (ESC) is to return to normal
operation when the scale is in a Parameter setting
[On] and [Off]
To switch on and switch off the indicator.
The LCD display will show a value and a unit to the right of the digits.
In addition there are labels for TARE, GROSS weight, ZERO, Stable
and for Low battery
@Adam Equipment Company 2006