F5 Prt Sets the RS-232 -
P bAUd-Select from the desired baud
rates. Options are 600, 1200,
2400, 4800 and 9600
P nodE - Set the printing mode to-
P Prt (Print only when [Print] is
P Cont (Print continuously)
P Auto (Print automatically
whenever there is any weight on
the scale).
Parity – Select from the following settings-
n 8 1 -8 data bits, no parity
E 7 1 -7 data bits, even parity
o 7 1 -7 data bits, odd parity
P Cont
n 8 1
ProG Pin See the SERVICE SECTION for details.
Use the [Print/Esc] key to leave the set-up mode of the parameter
and return to weighing.
@Adam Equipment Company 2006