When the display reads “dOOr,” this indicates that there is a fault (open circuit) somewhere in the microprocessor
controller’s (computer’s) door switch circuit. Include the door switch, microprocessor controller (computer)
and the wires to end from these two (2) points. Before following this test procedure, check the component side
of the computer to see if light emitting diode (L.E.D.) input light is on. If on and still reads door, replace
computer. Voltage is 24 VAC unless otherwise specified.
1. Remove door switch assembly from dryer. Check for
continuity across the two (2) terminals of the door switch
with plunger pushed in. If no continuity, replace the door
switch. If continuity is evident, reassemble door switch back
on dryer.
a) Repeat the above procedure; for the lint door switch.
2. Make sure both the main and lint doors are closed and the
plungers are pushed in. Check for voltage, across pin #4
(blue wire) (J5) 6-pin connector to ground. If no voltage is
evident, problem could be faulty transformer or fuse 1 is
blown. If voltage is evident, then continue with Step #3.
3. Check for voltage at the (J2) 3-pin connector pin #1 blue
wire to ground. If no voltage, the problem is a loose
connection or a bad main door switch. If no voltage is evident
continue to Step #4.
4. Take a voltage reading at the microprocessor (J1) 9-pin
connector, pin #9 blue wire. If no voltage is evident, the
problem may be a loose connection on that wire or a bad lint
drawer switch.