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Loopback | Input | 16 binary characters (0’s | These codes can be set to any | 1101 0011 1101 0011 |
Activation Code |
| and 1’s) must be entered. | binary value except: all 0s, all 1s, or a |
| value that is already used in another |
| code. |
| The Loopback Activation Code signal is |
| sent inband. RLX units go to loopup state |
| when they are in armed state. Loopup is |
| activated for selected units. Detection time |
| is 3 secs. |
Loopback | Input |
| The signal is sent inband. Units in loopup | 1001 0011 1001 0011 |
Deactivate Code |
| state go back to armed state. Detection |
| time is 5 secs. |
Lpbk Timeout | Input |
| This disables loopup | 1101 0101 1101 0110 |
Disable Code |
| loopbacks stay up until deactivation or |
| disarm (NID Loop Down) code is |
| received. Detection time is 3 secs. |
Loopback Timeout | Input | Enter a number from 0 to | This represents the minutes the loopback | 0 minutes |
Period |
| 255. | remains in effect before reverting to the |
| |
| time out period to 0 disables the time out |
| feature. |
Network Keep | Toggle | AIS | If the system detects an LOS (Loss of | AIS |
Alive |
| Signal) from the customer, an AIS is sent |
| to the network. |
| DS1 CUTOFF | If the system detects an LOS from the |
| customer, the signal is cut off and no |
| signal is transmitted to the network. |
DS0 Channel | Toggle | “B” (for DS0 Channel | Blocking a channel causes the blocking | Blank |
| blocking) or blank (for | pattern (FFhex or 7Fhex) set up via the |
| normal operation) for | onboard DIP switch to be transmitted in |
| each of the 24 DS0 | both directions. |
| channels. |
Unit Service State | Toggle | IS | Places the unit in service and allows | OOS |
| equipment alarm reporting by the MPU. |
| Must be set to IS for reporting of |
| equipment alarms. |
| OOS | Removes unit from service and stops |
| equipment alarm reporting by the MPU. |
T1 Service State | Toggle | IS | Places facility in service and allows T1 | OOS |
| alarm reporting by the MPU. |
| OOS | Removes facility from service and stops |
| alarm reporting by the MPU. |
*Note: The RLXIOR configuration field default values shown in this manual are valid for systems with an MPU installed.