EchoView - Wireless Video Adapter Manual Version 0.3
Administrative and advance options namely setting password, enabling LAN, changing SSID,
wireless security encryption and upgrading adapter’s firmware are available here.
Addlogix wireless video adapter’s firmware version is shown in this prompt.
The wireless video application window is minimized to an icon in the system tray.
Easy Mode
A simplify version of the wireless video application that contains hide, freeze and projecting
Figure 5: Easy Mode
Disconnect your PC from projecting video wirelessly and close the wireless video application.
4.2 Enabling Access ID
The projector access ID is a security layer to restrict users who are not in the same room as the
Addlogix wireless video adapter from accessing it. This access ID is randomly generated each
time when the wireless video adapter is powered on and it can only been seen on the splash
1. Click Settings on the main wireless video
application window.
2. In the Settings window (figure 6), click the
check box Enter the Projector ID to start
3. The display monitor will show the
Addlogix splash screen and the projector
ID is located on the top left corner.
Figure 6: Projector ID